502 26 28

Tuesday 1 2023


Cute shit
Oh hey
You haven't been online for a while.
Are you Okay?

Not really

Cute shit
Do you want to talk about it?


Cute shit
Okay what happened

It's just that the marks are finally out and my mom doesn't really like them.
The problem is, the older I get the worst my adhd gets.
It's hard for me to focus on one thing I can literally write a paragraph while singing a song and creating fake scenarios.

Some might thing this is really cool but it's just hard.
Like I can't focus at all in class and I always stress out and studying is just worse.
Like it's really annoying and my dyslexia doesn't make it any better. The only reason I'm affected by my marks are because of my mom. I really don't care if I get a zero it's my mom that wants me to get the full mark.
It's so stressful and I literally don't get the point of education.

Cute shit
Dude that's honestly sad.
Like I already feel how u feel and I only read that, imagine how u feel.
You're strong jimin I know you can do it.
Honestly, no offense but ur mom should let u do whatever you want
Like you're not a kid anymore
You're 17
You can choose what you want to do with your life
And I'm not telling u to drop out of school Okay? I know it's weird taking advice from a kid that decided he doesn't want a career.
But I do know that your are the main character of your life and only you can choose your decisions.

Ugh literally talking with you always makes me feel way better.

Cute shit
R u still sad?


Cute shit

Cute shitHow about now?

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Cute shit
How about now?

What does sadness mean
Ur so cute fr

Cute shit
I ain't cute but uhkay

Read 6:59 pm.


Saturday 2 2023


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