477 24 20

Sunday 7 2025

Yoongi had decided to get Starbucks. After all, he still wanted to remember jimin. He was waiting in line in a drive thru of a Starbucks he'd never visited before, far away from his house.

Hoseok was in school, so he was alone. He didn't really mind it, just incase he cried, he'd not feel embarrassed.

He waited patiently for the car inform of him to finish. When they did, he drove forward, scanning the all too familiar menu.

"Welcome to Starbucks, how can I get you?"

Said an uninterested, tired voice. Although it sounded kind and genuine, it also sounded dead and careless.

"I'll have one venti pumpkin spice latte, please." Jimin's favorite.

"Amazing choice, it's one of my favorites up there. Anything else?"

"No thanks, that's all." Yoongi answered.

"Alright, that'll be 13.99 at the next window."

"Thank you." Yoongi thanked and drove to the next window.

He waited. He kept thinking about jimin, wondering if he was too at this exact same moment. Wondering if they were together right now in a pararrel universe. He felt jittery today, he felt weird.

Like he had missed something.

"And here you go. One venti pumpkin spice latte."

"Thank you." Yoongi handed the boy his card and he finally looked at him to take his drink.

And so did the other, he looked at him to hand him the drink.

And for a split second, they didn't recognize eachother.

"Your hair...its pink." Jimin pointed out, frozen.

"Yours too." Yoongi answered, studying his features. He took a deep breath, blinking a few times.

"Yoongi?" Jimin whispered, barely audioable.

Yoongi slowly nodding, taking in jimin's appearance. He had missed him more than he should have.

An uncomfortable silence ought to grow, with both malesnot knowing how to react.

"You...havent changed your hair." Jimin whispered again, as if his voice was too strong to ruin this fragile, awaiting moment.

"How could I when the one person I loved told me I look great?"

Though yoongi' s hair reached his chest, he kept re-dying the new grown black hair pink.

"I'm sorry." Jimin breathed out shakely.

"I know." Yoongi answered after a while. "I've never been mad at you, jimin." He added.

"You know, every time i think about you, I have to remind myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would." Yoongi smiled sadly.

Jimin'seyes glossed with tears and yoongi stared deep into them, both feeling way too many emotions. The first time they meet wasn't as they had anticipated.

Maybe it hurts the most to know that it doesn't hurt anymore.

If you have chemistry you'd only need one thing, time.

But time is a bitch.

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