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It has been 2 years since yoongi had last heard from jimin. The begging yoongi begged to jimin to talk with him or vent or even call him kept going until it had stopped, until yoongi has stopped.

Not because he didn't want to help or listen to jimin anymore, but because he felt it was pointless. Jimin wasn't gonna talk anytime soon, and he didn't want to annoy the younger any further.

So he stopped.

And though jimin hadn't been replying for 2 years, the few months yoongi bad stopped checking in him were the worst.

Because even though jimin didn't reply, he knew he could see his messages. He knew he was somehow helping him. He just knew that jimin needed that.

But what about him? What about yoongi?

Although he understood how jimin didn't feel like talking or was going through a lot, yoongi himself couldn't be the only one making effort. He needed jimin to talk in order to help him.

But jimin didn't bother saying anything for some reason, and yoongi wasn't having it.

He never stopped caring for Jimin, he never stopped liking Jimin, he just stopped showing them, just like how jimin did way too long ago. Just how jimin gave up too soon, without giving him a chance to prove himself.

It hurt both of them so much, but no one wanted to change that no more.

But yoongi didn't dare forget about him, and he hoped jimin's case was the same.

Because jimin still made him smile, even if he was the reason he was sad.

He read back their old, old, conversations. Where jimin was more open about his problems and more comfortable sharing them.

What if it had been yoongi that made something to annoy or bother him?

He couldn't stop thinking.

All he did was think and think and think.

Until it hurt his brain, and his heart slightly more.

But yoongi keept waiting and waiting. And he didn't give up, he never did. He just waited and hoped for a message from Jimin, a sign that he still is alive. But yoongi just felt like he was waiting for something that wasn't going to happen.

Maybe yoongi should've expected this from the beginning.

Maybe he should have been the bad person then. Because life seemed to be against thoes who were the good.

Yoongi changed, personality and looks. He lost some weight and he looked sick.

Eye bags under his eyes, long hair that he hadn't bothered trimming for almost three years.

He looked lost and empty, and that's exactly how he felt.

Was jimin even feeling the same way? Maybe he had forgotten all about yoongi. And maybe he's just waiting.

Everything reminded him of Jimin, he was everywhere except right here and it hurt.

Venting to a stranger || Yoonmin Texting Au ✓Where stories live. Discover now