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Two months. Yoongi had stopped checking on him for two months.

Jimin didn't like that, but he can only blame himself.

He hadn't talked a word to yoongi since 3 years ago. Him and yoongi not talking is one thing, but yoongi cutting off his messages completely was another.

Jimin knew he was the one to blame, he rally did. But there was nothing he could do. Even though taehyung was there, it still felt too empty without yoongi, even if it was just two months.

Jimin felt like shit because yoongi hadn't checked on him for two months, he can only imagine how yoongi must ve feeling for almoat three years.

Why was it so hard to let someone go?

Why was it so damn hard to forget yoongi?

It's not like jimin wanted to forget him, but there was nothing he could do.

He only hoped yoongi had already forgot him and moved on with his life. Because he really liked him and he wanted him to be happy.

But he didn't know that yoongi's happiness was him.

He wanted to text him so bad, but he liked him way too much. He didn't want to annoy him or worry him. He just wanted to have a normal conversation with someone he loved about anything other than his life.

Ever since his mom has kicked him out, and jimin translated that as being disowned, because he didn't get great marks and apparently was just "a disappointment to the family", his mental health had been down bad.

He started relapsing, even though he promised taehyung not to, even though be promised himself to tell yoongi thay he'd stopped and make him proud, he never got to. He never lived up to his promises.

He did It, again and again, and even though he had been living with taehyung after he had gotten kicked out, he was good at hiding it.

Even when taehyung would ask him why he was wearing long sleeves, hand socks or pants in the summer, or when he'd ask him abruptly if he started relapsing, jimin was good at hiding it. He was a good liar.

Because growing with a strict mother only made him better at hiding, at lying, at everything.

Except as a human.

It didn't make him a better human.

But he gave up on trying to be after yoongi.

Maybe he was too embarrassed to tell him he was kicked out. Maybe he was too embarrassed when taehyung accidentally told him that and sent multiple pictures of them. Maybe he was too embarrassed of his own drunk self that kept sending pictures with random girls to yoongi.

And maybe he was too lost.

He changed, personality and looks. He gained some healthy weight however his face was a disaster.

Black circles surroundinghis eyes and pale skin. He just looked lost, empty.

Taehyung constantly told him to either try and contact yoongi or try to find a girlfriend. Which jimin said no to both.

And jimin just hated how he was still hoping.

Was yoongi even feeling the same way? Maybe he had forgotten all about jimin. And maybe he's just waiting.

Everything reminded him of yoongi, he was everywhere except right here and it hurt.

Venting to a stranger || Yoonmin Texting Au ✓Where stories live. Discover now