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They sat on a bench in a park near the coffee shop, keeping a generous, comfortable distance between them. Jimin has asked on of his co-workers if she could take in his shift for a few minutes, possibly hours, and she gladly accepted, happy to help Jimin.

"Do you remember when I told you long ago some kids beat me up because I couldn't give them the answers of a test?" Jimin asked after a suffocating silence.

Yoongi mentally nodded, keeping a blank face, staring far ahead.

"Well I lied."

Yoongi wasn't surprised by this whatsoever.

Jimin continued, "It wasn't actually close to that." He laughed humorlessly. "Those bruises were actually caused by my mother. She had been called by a teacher and she was told that I was useless in class and I never participated in any activities. Sometimes she'd hit me because of my marks too." He laughed once again, eyes getting blurry. "Funny because this teacher was lying, but my mother didn't believe me... So she hit me." He looked down at his trembling hands.

Yoongi stayed quiet, thoughts flooding his mind, questions eager to be answered, but "Why are you telling me this now?" was the only thing that made it past his thoughts.

Jimin's eyes traveled to his face, glowing with plead, regret. "I didn't want to lie to you anymore." He truthfully answered.

There was another silence. A long, deep, one. It was like each sentence they spoke was a chapter, between long, painfully advertisements.

Jimin looked back down, worrying because the lack of answers.

"Anymore?" Yoongi kept staring forward.

Jimin shot his head back up, confuse by the response.

"Do you think there's an 'anymore'? Do you really think there's more?" Yoongi asked, dropping his gaze to his own lap.

Jimin smiled sadly, slowly nodding. Yoongi finally glanced at him. And Jimin took this chance to take in his appearance; he looked like he needed to cry.

"Is that what you want, Jimin?" Yoongi asked, a questioning look on his face.

Jimin gulped as he heard his name roll off yoongi's tongue. It felt so forced. He nodded faster, a little too excited, but his face dropped when he heard yoongi's sigh.

Yoongi looked up at him deeply. "Have you ever thought about what I want?"

Another silence was easy to grow. When yoongi didn't speak any further, Jimin knew he had to answer this question. Yes? No? What was really the correct answer. Yoongi knew, and Jimin knew he knew. There was no point in lying.

Jimin hung his head low in embarrassment, shaking his head very slowly as he let out a barley audible "No.", Sinking down in his seat.

Another long depressing advertisment. With Jimin being tongue-tied and yoongi being disappointed.

Jimin sniffed, and that's when yoongi looked up again.

"I'm sorry. I never got the courage to say this to you, but here I am. I'm really not trying to justify my actions, but I guess I was so damn scared to lose you. I'm sorry."

"We aren't kids anymore, Jimin. We can trust eachother, we can count on eachother." Yoongi said after a short pause compared to the previous ones.

Jimin wiped away a tear that has made its way down his face. "Do you think we could go back to what we were?" Jimin didn't realize he was crying until yoongi looked at him sympathetically.

He pressed his lips together before he spoke, "What were we, Jimin? Internet friends who couldn't trust eachother?" He raised his tone defensively.

Jimin kept quiet, lacking the response yoongi wanted to hear. He thought for a moment, before his eyes lit up. "Then can we start over?" He asked, an awaiting, hopeful, smile plastered across his face. He turned his whole body towards yoongi's direction, hand rising up, asking yoongi to shake it back. "I'm Jimin." He smiled, tears staining his face, waiting desperately for an answer.

Yoongi turned to look at him, shaking his hand back. "And I'm in love with you."


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