Chapter 1: Protector

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Rias Gremory was in a pinch.

She and her peerage were fighting tooth and nail in their first Rating Game against Riser Phenex and had whittled his forces down to just him and his Queen against herself and her Pawn Issei Hyoudo, the current Red Dragon Emperor, who was in the middle of getting the shit kicked out of him by Riser.

"Come on Rias." Riser taunted as he punched Issei again. "Forfeit the match or else this Pawn will die."

"Don't do it Rias." Issei stated as he shakily stood up again. "I can still fight."

Issei gasped when he felt something hit his stomach and heard a splash of blood.

Riser's hand was going through the teen's torso, his fist a flame burning Issei's body from the inside as well as the outside before he extinguished the flames as he pulled his fist out, causing Issei to twitch as he fell, going into shock.

"Now forfeit!" Riser shouted as Issei started to disappear to be taken out and healed.

Rias was in silent shock as she mentally repeated what she saw in her head.

"Forfeit right now Rias!" Riser shouted again as he stepped on Issei's body before it fully vanished.

Rias's emotions were frantic.

Anger, sadness, murder, blood, kill. Kill. KILL!

Rias's sea-foam blue eyes became crimson red and her pupil's slits as power swelled from her body, a dark crimson and black power shot upward and hit the barrier surrounding the false school.

A bestial roar came from Rias as the power took receded into body, well what was her body.

What stood before Riser was a monster.

Announcer's booth...

Sirzechs looked at the screen in disbelief next to his fellow Satan's and wife Grayfia.


"I don't know how, but this is very bad." Serafall stated, turning to the people at the control station. "Pull back everyone besides Rias, if she is alone, she won't attack anyone."

"Okay." One of the people said as they tried to retrieve Riser and Yubelluna, but nothing happened.

"What's going on?" Serafall demanded frantically.

"It's not working, its like that power is negating our commands." The person said.

False Kuoh Academy...

It looked like Rias, body shape, but what looked like Power od Destruction was covering her body, including her long crimson hair and face. She had white circles for eyes and a jack o'lantern mouth.

What made her look like a beast were the four tail's and fox like ears on her head.

'What is this?' Riser thought before he signaled Yubelluna to attack Rias.

Said Queen was going to attack, but was stopped when Rias appeared in front of her and sank her teeth into the woman's arm.

Yubelluna screamed and was grabbed by her throat before Rias let her arm go.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?" Yubelluna screamed before she was thrown in the air only to be sent flying into the wall.

Riser watched as Rias decimated his Queen before her attention turned to him.

Rias growled before roaring again as she ran at him.

Riser took flight and Rias jumped above him and flipped, making her tails send him to the ground.

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