Chapter 30: Begging for Another

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Rias watched Shirone and Xenovia eat outside from the ORC clubroom window.

'They declined, but they didn't even hear me out.' She thought as she shook her head. 'I shouldn't be thinking like this. They have every right to be weary of me, I am a devil and as of late the peerage system has been abused to the point that the head of the Yokai faction would probably wage war.'

"That isn't all."

Rias blinked and looked around.

'Am... no... I could just be over thinking this.' Rias thought as she walked away from the window and sat down, pulling her drawer open, seeing a few books.

The Make-Out Trilogy, a few of the Naruto: Light Novels, Tales of a Gutsy Ninja, and her childhood favorite, The Golden Protector.

Rias smiled at the fond memories and grabbed the children's book.

'I wish I had someone like this.' Rias thought as she read the book. 'Someone like him would be a God send.'

There was a knock at the door.

"Buchou," Akeno called out before she entered the room, seeing Rias nose to nose with a book. "I have a report for you."

"Oh, hello, my dear fallen." Anko said as she slinked behind Akeno, closing the door and caressing Akeno's stomach as she pressed her pelvis against Akeno's butt.

"Oh, Anko~" Akeno said with a blush. "Not in front of Buchou."

Anko pouted before leaning in, resting her chin on Akeno's shoulder, wrapping her other arm around Akeno's waist.

"Alright..." Anko whined.

Rias smiled as she watched her Queen and Rook show their love for one another, even if she didn't want to see its more intimate moments.

"What is it, Akeno?" Rias asked as she bookmarked her book and started paying attention.

"Well, Issei has made contact with a girl from the church." Akeno said, getting Anko's and Rias's attention.

"I'm listening." Rias said as she leaned onto her desk.

Few Days Later...

It was the weekend, and the Uzumaki Sisters were hard at work doing their homework with Zest tutoring them.

'They are getting better.' Zest thought proudly as she corrected their mock tests. 'Xenovia is better with numbers, Shirone is a literature genius, and Kuroka is better at sports.'

Zest couldn't be prouder of her children.



"Is that..." Xenovia said as she looked up.

"It's Hyoudo," Shirone said, sensing who it was, "And... he is panicking."

"Hm, I wonder why?" Kuroka asked, starting to stand up but Zest stood up completely.

"I'll get it, finish your work you three," Zest said, Kuroka pouting as she sat down, really tired of doing her homework.

Zest walked to the door, making her rabbit ears vanish before answering the door to see Issei, gasping for air and wearing casual clothing.

"Sensei." Issei gasped.

"Hyoudo, what's wrong?" Zest asked with concern, seeing the blood soaking his clothing, showing stab wound signs but no stab wound.

Xenovia walked up, wondering what was going on, Issei seeing her.

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