Chapter 6: Long Life, Swift End

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Naruto pulled his hand back, ending his ability, closing his eye, and looked at Tamamo, still sleeping soundly.

Hearing his heart beat in his ears, Naruto activated his Byakugan and looked at the baby.

The once abnormally large chakra reserves in the infant was now thinned out two what it should have been. There was no strain on Tamamo's or the baby's chakra coils.

Naruto sighed and collapsed into a nearby chair as he deactivated his Byakugan.

'Oh, shit that was stressful.' Naruto thought as he looked at his slumbering pregnant wife. 'At least the problem is gone now.'

Within him, all the tailed beasts were somberly solemn.

"Kurama, should we tell him what we found out?" Isobu asked timidly.

Kurama grit his teeth.

"I don't know." He replied. "It's going to hurt either way, but knowing now would make him desperately drastic."

"So, we should keep it to ourselves?" Matatabi asked, not wanting to see anything that was now set in motion happen. "He deserves to know."

Kurama's hands clenched as he glared at his siblings.

"I know. But Naruto has more than himself to look after." Kurama stated as his hands shook, showing he wasn't happy either. "Him freaking out won't help. It will make the situation worse, especially Tamamo."

The tailed beasts fell silent and cried.

It was painful for them knowing that everything was going to change once again.

Three months, two weeks, four days later...

Tamamo was once again in child labor filled agony, but unlike before, Naruto wasn't there.

She remembered the night before, Naruto had been called away to settle a dispute that she would normally handle, but since she was on leave, Naruto took it up.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Tamamo screamed as she felt another wave of pain blitz its way through her body. "NARUTOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Tsunade and Shizune were working as best they could to help Tamamo's current situation as she was still preparing for birthing her son.

"It's going to be fine Tamamo," Tsunade stated as she scanned Tamamo's body. "You have another three centimeters to go before you can push."

Tamamo barely nodded.

Her body was hot, covered in sweat, and hurt everywhere, most painful in her stomach. Her heavy-lidded eyes had heavy bags under them from being in labor for three hours.

'Where are you Naruto?' Shizune thought worriedly as she applied numbing chakra into Tamamo's body.

Kyoto Border...

Naruto waved goodbye to the guards.

There had been a small tear in the barrier protecting Kyoto, and Naruto fixed it.

'I am exhausted.' He thought as he activated a portal. 'I am going to take a nap when I get home.'

He passed through it and heard his name get shouted in a blood curdling scream.

Naruto felt Tamamo's chakra, his eyes widening when he felt it getting weaker at a quick rate.

Running through the compound, Naruto entered as Tamamo started to push.

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