Chapter 2: Turning back the Clock

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Centuries in the past, 17 years before the faction war, Kyoto Japan...

"Another small village lost." A woman with golden fox ears and nine tails wearing a traditional shrine maiden outfit stated as she walked through the remains, the loss weighing heavy on her heart. 'How much more will those humans take until they leave us alone?'

This was Miko, the leader of the Yokai faction and Kyoto. (1)

"Lady Miko!" one of her followers, a tanuki Yokai, called out, running toward her.

"What is it?" Miko asked as she composed herself.

"There seems to be no survivors." The person said sadly. "However, we feel there is a strong presence and we can't pin point it."

"I'll take care of it. For now, have everyone retreat back to the capital and I shall return swiftly." Miko ordered, getting a bow.

"Please be careful." The tanuki said worriedly. "We don't want anything to happen to the successor."

Miko patted her currently flat stomach.

"I won't do anything to put them in danger, now you have your orders." Miko stated, her followers vanishing.

Miko closed her eyes and opened them, tribal tattoos covered her body now and her eyes were red. (2)

'With my senjutsu activated, my sensing power is greatly enhanced.' She remembered as she indeed felt a presence and it was fading fast. What shocked her was the fact it was a mix of Yokai chakra and senjutsu as strong as hers.

Finding the exact location in her heightened state, Miko deactivated her sage mode and ran to the presence.

After a few minutes, Miko's ears picked up the faint cries of a baby in the direction she was going, thus picked up her pace even more and soon found the location near the center of the Yokai village. The house was on fire and she could hear the babies cries even louder.

Acting quickly, Miko used her chakra to create water and douse the flames and then entered the house and did the same for the interior.

The house was now a wet, charred mess, but the baby was still crying upstairs.

Miko made her way upstairs, found the room.

Inside it was a baby boy on the floor.

A human baby.

And it was generating the senjutsu signature Miko felt.

As he cried Miko felt the presence fade completely into the boy's hands and stomach.

'How is this possible?' Miko asked as she stared at the crying infant. 'No human should have chakra, let alone be able to use senjutsu, and at infancy.'

Miko made her way over and picked the baby, causing him to calm down and open his eyes to reveal blue cerulean eyes.

Miko got a good look at him.

He had sun-kissed blonde hair, and three whisker-like marks on his face.

'Judging from this... chakra I sense now, he is about six to eight months old.' Miko thought as she rocked the baby, making him smile and clap his hands, showing a white circle mark on his right hand and a black crescent moon on his left.

'Is that how he can channel chakra?' Miko thought as she made her way out of the rundown house.

Upon returning, Miko was met with shock as she made her way to her trusted friend and doctor, Tsunade.

The Leader of Kyoto knocked on the door to Tsunade's manor, decorated with slug designs to symbolize her clan and her status of the slug yokai leader.

Even though Miko sat at the top of Yokai hierarchy, each clan had a leader and once a month they would have meetings.

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