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Pure Vanilla's POV:
I open my eyes and I'm in a pitch black room"It's so dark. Where am I?" I think aloud.
Suddenly, a gust of purple smoke hits my face.
"Hello, Pure Vanilla cookie." I hear a woman say behind me. She sounds familiar..too familiar. "Aren't you going to say hi to an old friend?" I turn around to look at her, it was Dark Enchantress Cookie! "Dark Enchantress Cookie! Why are you here?!" I ask, grabbing my staff tightly. "I am here to give you a new destiny. Yours is so... Bland and boring. Nothing is happening anymore and I'm getting bored...So..What do you say?" She replys looking me dead in the eyes.
A new destiny? What is she talking about? Whatever it is I know it must be bad. "I refuse this new 'destiny' you speak of. You spout words out of your mouth without think of the results of your actions." I responded. "Once again, Pure Vanilla, that's where your wrong. You will be trapped here unless you accept your destiny. You don't really have a choice, your friends aren't here to protect you... You're all alone" She said laughing as she disappeared.
I was silent after that for a couple of minutes. "What if she's right?" I ask, talking to myself. "What if I really am... Alone?..." I hear my voice echo out into the empty abyss I'm trapped in. What can I do now?
No one's POV:
It's been four months since the disappearance of Pure Vanilla. Dark Cacao has been more cautious lately so he won't lose anyone else. Dark Choco never found the strawberry jam sword, due to Dark Cacao making one for him. He has been going out on missions to find Pure Vanilla, but comes back empty-handed everytime.
Hollyberry hasn't been able to drink her juice for four months, which is very unlikely of her. Due to this Wildberry has been worrying about her and not knowing what to do.
White Lily has been taking care of Pure Vanilla's kingdom due to having the most free time out of all the ancients.
Golden Cheese has been sending Gingerbrave, Wizard, Strawberry, Custard, and Chili Pepper to look for Pure Vanilla, but Unlike Dark Choco, they at least came back with a clue or two about the whereabouts of Pure Vanilla.
Later on...
The ancients were able to locate where Pure Vanilla is.
"I must say, it's quite concerning Pure Vanilla is here of all places." Dark Cacao says. "Agreed." White Lily replied to him. Her and Dark Cacao were the ones who were worried about Pure the most. "Hey, why don't we split up to look for Pure Vanilla! That way we can find him faster. Anyone disagree with that idea?" Hollyberry asks. "No/Nope/sorta." The other ancients agreed, besides Golden Cheese. She didn't like the idea but went along with it for her friends sake.
"G-guys... I think I found Pure Vanilla..." White Lily says, her eyes widening. "Ah! That's great! Go on, show us!" Hollyberry says, walking over to White Lily. The other ancients follow Hollyberry. "T-There..." White Lily responds, she shakily pointed to a cookie.
"Guys?..." Pure Vanilla turned around and said.
Word count: 545

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