~•Come back•~

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•{No one's POV}•
Dark Cacao couldn't believe what he just heard. Was Pure Vanilla really no more? No... That can't be. He wouldn't submit to the darkness. White Lily kept looking in shock of the scene that has unfolded before her, refusing to believe it.
"P-Pure Vanilla... Stop playing around!" She exclaimed. "You think I'm playing around? Well I'm not! The Pure Vanilla you knew is crumbled and gone!" Dead Flower Cookie yelled at White Lily, forming a grin at the end of his sentence, making a few tears stroll down her face.
He's never yelled at anyone before. This shocked all the ancients.
Mist fills the air, and suddenly, Dark Enchantress has arrived. "Have you revealed yourself yet?" She asks.
"Of course I have. Can't you see it?" Dead Flower Cookie says, sounding slightly annoyed. "I feel like you don't pay attention to the small details."
"Dark Enchantress Cookie, what have you done to Pure Vanilla Cookie?! He was never like this before," Dark Cacao Cookie yells at the top of his lungs. "Why must you continue taking from us?!"
"I didn't take. I let him join. He decided to submit to the darkness on his own." Dark Enchantress cackled. "And what have I taken from you...?"
•{At Beast Yeast...}•

"Hm... When will she return with him?" A cookie with a white robe asks.

"I'm sure it will be soon. Then we shall go and capture Dark Cacao's child. You must be patient. If you aren't, she will abandon you." Another cookie says, looking in a golden hand held mirror.

"I can't wait to eat shroomies with him!..." A small cookie exclaims.

"Well we shall wait." A cookie with cake features replies.

"He shall be here very soon..."

Words: 292

~•Now I'm the bad guy•~ CRK AUWhere stories live. Discover now