~•Extra Chapter•~

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Note: This chapter is not canon for this book! It is just for fun and a chapter just for Valentines Day!

•{No one's POV}•

Dead Flower Cookie was on the balcony, looking at the red sky that now covers his kingdom. All of a sudden, Pomegranate Cookie appeared behind Dead Flower Cookie.

"Master, I have a box of chocolates and Vanilla Orchids for you." Pomegranate Cookie says, blushing a little from nervousness. "Please accept my offering."

Suddenly, Licorice Cookie slides in and pushes Pomegranate Cookie out of the way, getting on one knee.

"Dead Flower Cookie! I have brought you some Licorice! Please don't decline my Licorice!" He says, his eyes sparkling and his voice full of hope. Suddenly, just like what happened to Pomegranate, Licorice Cookie gets pushed aside by Red Velvet Cookie.

"Father, I have brought you another child. Please accept them into our team. And yes, this is my gift for you." Red Velvet Cookie says, holding Strawberry Crepe Cookie.

"Hey! Let me go!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie complains, moving around in Red Velvet's grasp. They try squirming their way out, but ends up unsuccessful.

Eventually, everyone has gifts for Dead Flower Cookie.

"Hahaha! You didn't have to get me gifts! After all, you are all the best gifts I could ever have!" Dead Flower Cookie chuckles.

Everyone's eyes light up at Dead Flower Cookie's comment.

"YES SIR!" Everyone says, smiling besides Pomegranate Cookie.

Everyone walks away.

"Happy Valentine's Day..." Dead Flower Cookie says. "...Dark Cacao Cookie."

Word Count: 231
(Crying😭- luvza)

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