~•Prince of a Corrupted Kingdom•~

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•{Red Velvet Cookie's POV}•

Ever since Father has crumbled Dark Enchantress Cookie, things haven't been the same for the Cookies of Darkness and me. Poison Mushroom Cookie cries in their room sometimes when something reminds them of Dark Enchantress Cookie.

Pomegranate Cookie doesn't seem bothered. She has changed all of the posters from her wall to pictures of Father. It's kind of weird. It makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

Licorice Cookie is treated as Father's right hand cookie. Pomegranate Cookie is jealous of that.

Strawberry Crepe Cookie still doesn't know of the existence of Dark Enchantress Cookie, and most likely will never know.

All the citizens have been trapped in the kingdom, not being allowed to leave. If a cookie enters, they cannot ever leave.

Ah, forgot to mention my name. I am Red Velvet Cookie. The prince of the Corrupted Vanilla Kingdom.

"Red Velvet Cookie. Master requires your presence." Pomegranate Cookie interrupts, staring me down with her cold, red eyes. Couldn't she have told me this at another time?

"Of course. I am on my way." I reply, getting out of my chair. I walk to Father's throne.

"Hello, Red Velvet Cookie. I have a job for you." He says.

"What is the job? Ask, and I shall do it." I respond, awaiting my orders.

"I recently found out that Dark Cacao Cookie has a son. Your job is to get him to turn on his father. Do anything you can to make him betray Dark Cacao." Father commands.

I nod my head yes and head out. Now to find the son of Dark Cacao Cookie.

Word Count: 269

~•Now I'm the bad guy•~ CRK AUWhere stories live. Discover now