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No one's POV:
It can't be, but it was. Pure Vanilla stood in front of his friends once again, but this time he was.. Different...

(Art credits to my friend, luvza_cupid)

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(Art credits to my friend, luvza_cupid)

He now had horns, black eye rims, a broken soul jam, a corrupted staff, and ragged clothes. What happened to him in his time away?

"Pure Vanilla..." Dark Cacao says sadly, looking at pures new appearance while holding out his hand. Pure Vanilla slaped away Dark Cacao's hand, shocking everyone. "You aren't them. You aren't him! You can't be! Your fake!" Pure Vanilla says, holding his staff up to Dark Cacao's face. "Pure Vanilla, please calm down. It's really us!" White Lily Cookie spoke,trying to calm vanilla down. "Yeah dude, stop acting weird,it's us." Golden Cheese adds,making the situation worse. Pure Vanilla started to cry slightly. "That's what the all the other fakes said! Stop trying to trick me! I'm done with these horrid illusions I'm forced to see everyday!" Pure Vanilla shouts. "Pure Va-" Dark Cacao starts, but is cut off by Pure Vanilla. "No! I can't take much more of this! Please, leave me..." Magic starts swarming Pure Vanilla. "...be!" He finishes, in a blind rage he sent a shock wave so powerful it sends the four ancients out of the black, inky void.
"No...no no! No, no, no!" Dark Cacao yells out, banging on the door where Pure Vanilla was as hard as he could.
"Dark Cacao..." White Lily says, putting her hand on his shoulder. He got up and wiped his tears, trying not to show weakness. "I'm going out in search of him. Take care of my kingdom while I'm gone." Dark Cacao says, walking away.
"B-But I don't know how to!" She responds.
Meanwhile, Golden Cheese and Hollyberry are arguing like the old married couple they are.
•{Back with Pure Vanilla...}•
"Wow, Pure Vanilla." Dark Enchantress says, coming out of nowhere once again. "Dark Enchantress..." Pure Vanilla responds,looking at her. "Are you tired of fighting your new destiny yet, or are you still trying to find hope?" Dark Enchantress smirks.
"...My soul jam can't take the darkness. It's already in bad condition." Pure Vanilla said, looking at his soul jam.
"Hm. I can fix it for you...if you join me." Dark Enchantress comments. "Really?" Pure Vanilla asks, looking up at her. "Of course..." She holds out her hand. "I guess it won't hurt just to try it..." Pure Vanilla thought while taking her hand. He was only pulled close to her face.
"Hm...why don't I take a little of your memories while I'm at it." Dark Enchantress cackles. "W-Wait-!" Pure Vanilla yells out, but it was too late. He has been corrupted by the darkness...

Author's note: Thank you for reading! By the way, the art for this chapter was made by luvza_cupid. Have a great day/afternoon/evening!
Word count: 488

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