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Author's note: As promised, this chapter will be longer than others. By the way, Dead Flower will be called Pure Vanilla in this chapter, so please don't get confused!
•{At the Pure Vanilla kingdom...}•

Dark Cacao, White Lily, Hollyberry, and Golden Cheese arrive at the gates of the Pure Vanilla Kingdom. "Are we ready for this? Last time we saw him, it ended up going wrong..." Hollyberry notes, a little scared to knock on the door to Pure Vanilla's castle.
"Come on, he's our friend. He didn't mean to do what he did. He probably was being tormented by someone, and that someone made illusions of us to trick Pure Vanilla." Dark Cacao replys, knocking on the door.
The door opens, only for Pure Vanilla to be behind them, smiling happily.
"Friends!" He exclaims, hugging the ancients. "You have no idea how much I missed you! And about what happened in that room..."
He wants to tell them sorry, but can't bring himself to do it.
"We forgive you, Pure Vanilla. We will always forgive you and be your friend, no matter what." Dark Cacao replys, smiling for the first time in awhile.
•{In the dining hall...}•

Finally, the ancients were all together once again. They were staring in awe at the display of stamina jellys, Meat jellys, etc. Dark Cacao could really use the stamina jellys, to be honest, His energy has been used up in his searches for Pure Vanilla.
"So, how did you get out of that room?" Golden Cheese asks.
"I'm not sure myself. I woke up in my Kingdom, aware of what I did and felt immediate guilt." Pure Vanilla replies.
Everyone went silent.
"Hey, why don't you all go get your plates? I'll get mine later." Pure Vanilla breaks the silence. "Sure. Let's go get our food." White Lily tells the other ancients. They all go to get food.
"Remember Dead Flower." Dark Enchantress' voice rings in Pure Vanilla's head. "After the dinner, you will let them know that Pure Vanilla is no more..."
Later on, everyone was eating their jellys, unaware of the events that were about to happen.
Everyone was eating, when Dark Enchantress started talking to Pure Vanilla telepathicly.
"What should we do to make them find out?" Dark Enchantress thinks aloud. "Possibly pretend you kidnapped me? That would buy us time for me to get ready for the reveal." Pure Vanilla tells her. "Of course. Let's do this." She replys, nodding her head.
Pure Vanilla is about to eat a jelly when all of a sudden, Dark Enchantress appears behind him. "PURE VANILLA!" The other ancients yell out in a panic.
"Wha- Mpfhhhh!" Pure Vanilla starts only to be pulled into a portal, his mouth covered, by Dark Enchantress.
As soon as the portal closed, the ancients started running to Beast Yeast where they first found Pure Vanilla.
•{Pure Vanilla's POV}•

Aw Jesus Cookie, that hurt. "Did you have to grab me like that? I wasn't faking not being able to breathe." I yell at Dark Enchantress. "Jeez, are you starting to not listen to me?" Dark Enchantress says.
Before I could respond, I was told get my position, so I did. A few minutes later, the ancients bust down the door to where we were. They looked at me then tried to come get me, but Dark Enchantress blocked their path.
"Fools. Have you come to save your friend?" Dark Enchantress yells at them. "Of course we have. We will never abandon him!" White Lily exclaimed. "What if I told you that HE has abandoned you." Dark Enchantress laughs. The ancients looked shocked, then they stared at me. "Pure Vanilla... Is this tr-" Dark Cacao started but quickly got cut off. "Don't call me Pure Vanilla Cookie! I have changed! I am now Dead Flower Cookie, leader of the cookies of darkness!" I yelled out, smiling.
The ancients gasped.
Author's note: This is the longest chapter so far! The next chapter will be this one continued.
Word count: 665

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