~Chelsea's going to what?~

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Adam, Bree, Chase, Chelsea, and Leo walked into the school. Chelsea looked over to see Sam, who also looked over at her.

Sam waved at Chelsea and walked over. "Hey, Chelsea. Can I talk to you?"

"Uh, yeah," Chelsea nodded. She and Sam walked away and started talking. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo watched them from a distance.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Leo asked.

"Probably something stupid," Adam said.

"I know that Chels is mentally freaking out," Chase said, shrugging.

Chelsea soon walked back over to the group. Her face was burning with a blush and she smiled like an idiot.

"What's wrong with your face?" Adam asked.

"Nothing," Chelsea said with a small giggle.

"What happened with Sam?" Bree asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe they asked me out," Chelsea said with a cheesy smile.

Bree squealed. "Really? What did you say? What did you say?"

"I said yes."

"Is Chelsea about to be the first one of you to go on a date?" Leo asked. "Never would have thought it'd be her."

"Hey! I've dated someone!" Bree said.

"Did you? Did you really?"

"Yes! I'm literally dating Owen!"

"Anyway," Chase said, turning to his twin sister. "What are you doing for your date?"

"I'm not sure," Chelsea shrugged. "Sam is planning it. They want it to be a surprise."

"How are you going to know what to wear?" Bree asked.

"Sam said that they'd text me what kind of style later."

"When's the date?"

"Saturday. This weekend."

"Ooh! So soon!" Bree squealed.

"Calm down, Bree. I'm going on a date. Not you," Chelsea rolled her eyes.


Chelsea was picking through her clothes trying to find the right outfit. She didn't know what to wear. Sam said that it was more of a casual date and not to dress too fancy. Chelsea had no idea what to pick. She's never been on a date before. She hadn't liked someone this much before.

Chelsea groaned after having looked through all her clothes. "Bree!" She yelled.

Bree ran to her, "yeah, Chels?"

"Help!" Chelsea whined.

"I thought you'd never ask," Bree smiled as she started picking through the clothes.

After about 10 minutes, Bree and Chelsea got an outfit together. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Chelsea hugged her older sister.

"You're welcome sis," Bree said. "What time is Sam picking you up?"

"Um, at 2," Chelsea said, double-checking the text Sam sent her earlier. "And it's 1:30! I need to get ready!"

"Okay, get dressed," Bree said, leaving the room.

Chelsea got dressed. She was wearing fishnets under a pair of black shorts, with a black spaghetti-strap tank top. She had a black and white cropped, oversized flannel on and a pair of knee-high platform boots, one was black and the other was white. She had on a necklace that was a mini jar thing, closed with a cork. It had blue, yellow, and pink sand inside.

She brushed her hair out, before grabbing the makeup case Bree gave her. She walked into the bathroom and started doing some green eyeshadow. She didn't do makeup all that often, but she knew enough to do eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.

She was finishing the last of her makeup when she heard the doorbell

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She was finishing the last of her makeup when she heard the doorbell. 'Oh no,' she thought. Her brothers were in the living room and would get to the door first. Even if she geo-leaped she could go to the door because it was probably open already. She closed the mascara before running upstairs.

Chelsea got upstairs to see Adam, Chase, and Leo interrogating Sam. None of her siblings have officially met Sam before.

"Where are you from?" Leo asked.

"How old are you?" Chase asked.

"Where are you taking my baby sister?" Adam asked.

"No no no!" Chelsea said rushing over. "Stop it. Stop it! Stop it!!" She pushed her brothers away. "Stop it!" She pointed at them before turning to Sam. "H-hi Sam."

"Hi, Chelsea," Sam said with a smile. Sam was wearing a white button-up, black jeans, and a nice pair of converse. "You're looking beautiful as always."

Chelsea blushed lightly, "Thanks. You look good, too."

"Get a room," Chase said.

Sam laughed a little, "ready to go Chelsea?"

"Yup! Let's go," Chelsea said. She grabbed Sam's hand walking to the door. Adam started making kissy noises as Chelsea and Sam walked out the door. Chelsea sent the three a death glare as she closed the door.


Chelsea and Sam sat across from each other at a table in a small restaurant. There was a pizza set in the middle of the table.

"This is a nice place," Chelsea said, glancing around at the homey-looking restaurant.

"Yeah," Sam said. "My family comes here all the time. We're good friends with the owners."

Chelsea nodded and took a sip from her drink. "So, um, have you written any songs recently?" She asked.

"Well, I've been working on one," Sam started. "But I can't seem to find all the right words. It keeps turning out a bit off."

"Oh, well, uh, I hope you can find the words," Chelsea said.

After eating the pizza, Chelsea and Sam left. They went to a park. They walked around, eating ice cream. They talked, smiled, and laughed. After the first bit of awkwardness passed, they were able to relax and have a good time.

(901 words.)

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