~Mission Soirée~

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The teens were all in the lab doing different things

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The teens were all in the lab doing different things. Chelsea was reading a book as Adam bench pressed, using her as a weight. Leo was doing random stuff on the computer at his mission specialist desk. Bree was watching some reality tv show. And Chase was doing who knows what on the cyber-desk.

Davenport came walking into the lab. "I know tomorrow is supposed to be your day off, but I need you to go on a mission," he said. The teens groaned. "I know, I know, but it's important."

"What is it?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, Mr. Davenport," Chelsea said, closing her book, still being used as Adam's weight. "What's so important it has to take up our free day?"

"Tomorrow night there is going to be a very important soirée," Davenport started.

"A soiree!?" Bree asked, standing up, setting down her tablet. "Like a fancy dance party?"

"Yes," Davenport said. "I've gotten word of many thefts happening in the area and I suspect that whoever is behind them will be at the soirée."

"Why?" Adam asked. He dropped Chelsea to the ground next to him as he got up. She looked at him with a look that said 'what the hell?' as she stood up.

"Because there are going to be very wealthy people there as well as many priceless, one of a kind artifacts and jewelry on display."

"If they're priceless, why would anyone want them?" Adam asked.

"Priceless means expensive," Chase said. He turned to Davenport. "So what exactly are we doing at this soirée?"

"You guys will be dressed up and pose as guests. You'll monitor the other guests from inside while Leo and I stay here, and watch the party through the security cameras. We'll stay in contact through the comsats," Davenport explained. "If anyone tries to steal anything we need to stop them."


Davenport pulled up images of the outfits the teens would be wearing at the fancy party.

"Does my dress really have to be orange?" Bree asked.

"It's just a color," Davenport said.

"Yeah. Orange."

"I don't wear high heels," Chelsea said plainly as she looked at the outfit she was supposed to wear tomorrow night.

"You're worn heels before," Bree said.

"I've worn wedge heels before," Chelsea corrected. "I don't do high heels."

"Alright," Davenport said. "I'll get you a different colored dress and you different shoes. Any other complaints?" He asked through his teeth, looking at the 4 bionic teens.

"Nope," Chase said.

"Well my fancy pants could be fancier," Adam said, getting looks from everyone else. "I'm just saying." He shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2024 ⏰

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