The first, however many chapters, were originally in my Lab Rats oneshot book. I decided to make it its own thing. I somewhat rewrote the chapter I already posted on that. If you already read them, you don't have to reread them, but I tried to make...
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Chelsea geo-leaped into the living room, looking at baking recipes on her phone. She looked up from her phone and looked around the room. Chase and Bree were on the couch looking at something on a tablet. Adam, Leo, and Davenport were around the kitchen island.
Davenport gets shocked by an invention. "Great! Everything in the lab is officially useless, and I don't have enough money to repair it," he said.
"I know my mom didn't marry you for your money, but I haven't been putting up with your antics for nothing," Leo said.
"Mr. Davenport, take your time with the lab. I don't mind staying up here," Bree said, walking over, sitting on a stool next to Adam.. "Of course, it won't make up for living in a basement for sixteen years, but it's a start."
Chase and Chelsea walked over as Davenport said, "We don't have time. Your capsules have regenerative capabilities. They're crucial to your bionic infrastructures."
"Huh?" Adam asked, from where he sat at the kitchen island.
"Let me help you," Chase said. Turning to Adam he said in a deeper voice, "Capsule good!"
"But I haven't been in my capsule all week, and I feel fine," Bree said.
"Well, it's only a matter of time before your bionics go haywire," Davenport said.
"I hope it doesn't happen while I'm baking," Chelsea mumbled to herself.
"Do you know when exactly? Because I have a haircut on Tuesday and if I glitch in the chair, I'm just gonna end up like that trainwreck," Adam said. He gestured to Chase.
"Look. I get it! I'm short, I look like a lady golfer, and I have a terrible haircut! What else you got?" Chase asked.
"How long do you have?" Adam asked. Leo and Bree chuckled.
"Look, the longer you go without your capsules, the more likely you'll glitch, so don't use your bionics until I can get enough money to rebuild the lab," Davenport said.
"Uh oh, I feel a glitch coming on!" Adam said before punching Chase's arm.
"Ow! You know what? I feel one coming on too!" Chase said, pushing Adam off the stool.
"Hey, it's not funny when you hurt me," Adam said as he stood up. "It's just rude."
"Okay everybody, family meeting time," Davenport said, clapping his hands together. Adam raised his hand. "Adam, you don't have to raise your hand to speak, just talk."
"Oh, I've got nothing to say, I'm just airing out my pits," Adam said.
"The reason I called this family meeting is because we have to make some cutbacks in the family budget, starting with losing our cellphones," Davenport said. Everyone gasped.