The first, however many chapters, were originally in my Lab Rats oneshot book. I decided to make it its own thing. I somewhat rewrote the chapter I already posted on that. If you already read them, you don't have to reread them, but I tried to make...
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"After school today is the big Death Spiral Smackdown," Leo said. "Me and Adam are gonna unleash the fury! You guys gonna come watch?"
"We'd love to, but we're gonna go to the mall and check out the escalator," Chase said.
"I finally mastered the art of stepping off without tripping," Chase and Chelsea said simultaneously.
"Ooh, um, were we supposed to do that today?" Bree asked. "Shoot, I-I can't make it. I have a really big test to study for."
"What?" Chase and Chelsea sighed. "Okay, fine."
"I just hope those old ladies are there again to clap for us," Chase said.
"Never had this cereal before," Leo said, pulling something out.
Bree jumped up, "No, Leo! Those are power pellets."
"I don't care what they're called, as long as they make my milk chocolaty," Leo said.
"No," Chelsea said.
"They're bite-sized pieces of adrenaline that activate our bionics," Chase said.
"Yeah, but, we don't eat them any more because we learned how to activate them ourselves," Bree said.
"They taste like dog treats without the livery aftertaste," Chase said. "I'm guessing."
"Well, I guess I'll just have these," Leo said, grabbing a box of cereal.
"Careful, Leo!" Chase and Chelsea said.
"Those are Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's. Studies have shown they slow down your brain activity," Chase said.
Adam gasped, "Yummy Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's!" He grabbed the cereal from Chase and poured himself a bowl.
"So, Adam here is our smackdown game plan," Leo started. "I will distract everyone while you use your bionics to crush our opponents."
"I'm sorry, Leo, bionics are for missions. Using them for a school competition would just be wrong," Adam said.
"What is Bree still doing here?" Chase asked. "She said she had to study for a test."
"She lied?" Chelsea asked.
"Yeah, she's not studying for a test," Leo said.
Chase and Chelsea both activated their bionic hearing.
"So, Bree, I was thinking we could go to the park and fish spare change out of the fountain," Caitlin said. "Last week, I made a buck seventy-three!"
"Whatever we do, I have to avoid my brother and sister," Bree said. "I totally ditched them to hang out with you guys!"
"She lied to us!" Chase and Chelsea said.
"Wow. Millions of dollars of technology for you two to get a tiny grasp of the obvious," Leo said.
"Does she really think she can just ditch us and get away with it?" Chelsea asked in annoyance.
"Ohh. She is going down," Chase said. "Mr. Davenport gave me an Override App so in an emergency situation, I can take over Adam and Bree's bionics." He tapped the side of his head. "Connect to Bree."
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Why am I hitting myself?" Bree asked as Chase made her hit herself.
"Whoa!" Leo said.
"Time to wake up, Bree!" Bree said, still uncontrollably hitting herself. "Not sleepy anymore! Wake up!"
"I was friends with a self-slapper once," Caitlin said. "I'm not going down that road again!"
"Hey, guys. Sorry about earlier. It's this new school... It's got me all slap-happy," Bree said, walking up to the girls from earlier.
"That's okay. We all have our moments," Caitlin said.
"Great," Bree said before speaking gibberish. Chase had the Override App connected to her again.
"Bree, you're having a lot of moments!"
"No, it's just, um, I speak Swedish," Bree said before speaking Spanish. "A-And Spanish." She nervously chuckled. "S'up, ladies? How you livin'? And man-ish."
"I don't know what happened," Caitlin said. "She wasn't this weird last week!" She and the other girls walked away.
Bree turned and saw Chase and Chelsea. "You did this to me. You're using that stupid Override App."
"Yep, because you lied to us," Chase said.
"You shouldn't have lied," Chelsea said, crossing her arms.
"Well, since you used bionics on me, I'm gonna use mine on you," Bree said. "And beware. It's coming when you least expect it."
"Ooh! Those are big words coming from the manly Spanish-speaking Swede," Chase said sarcastically.
"Come on! Yes! Whoo-hoo!" Leo cheered as he and Adam won another level of the Death Spiral. Adam had thrown a guy off the platform.
"If they ask at the hospital, that did not happen on school grounds!" Perry said to the guy that was thrown.
"You just keep getting better and better!" Leo said.
"I know, and I'm not even trying!" Adam said.
"All right, time for a little bionic revenge," Bree muttered to herself, looking at Chase and Chelsea. Bree super speed and ripped Chase and Chelsea's clothes and put funny-looking things on them.
"Aah!" Chase and Chelsea yelled.
"What the-?" Chelsea muttered. She and Chase looked around and their eyes landed on Bree, who finger-waved to them.
"You will pay for this!" Chase said. He and Chelsea made their way to leave. He stopped only long enough to take off a fake tail Bree had put on him. People laughed at the two as they left.
Adam laughed. "I want that tail!" He said in a serious voice.
"All those clothes, and you couldn't find something to cover your face?" Bree said as the twins walked in wearing many layers of clothes.
"Go ahead. Try to humiliate us," Chase said. "We each have 36 items of clothing on."
"Why would I try? You're humiliating yourself," Bree said.
"Oh, yeah?" Chase asked.
"Well, the tin man called. He wants his neck back" The twins said at once.
"It's to deflect Chase's stupid App from connecting to my chip," Bree said. "It's the heavy-duty kind they use in restaurants." People laughed at the three of them. "Look what you've done. Everyone thinks we're weirdos."
"Hey, it's your fault for lying and ditching us," Chase and Chelsea said at the same time.
"I-I didn't want to hurt your feelings," Bree said. "Caitlin's the first real friend I've ever had. Just 'cause I want to hang out with her doesn't mean I like you any less."
"Yeah, well, we have other friends too now, so..." Chase said.
"That's great. I mean, you should go hang out with them sometimes."
"Yeah, we don't really have other friends," Chelsea said.
"But we're gonna go get some," Chase said.
"Good," Bree said. "Oh, and before you do that, you might want to lose a layer or two."
"Yeah, and you might want to lose the baked potato neck," Chase and Chels said.