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Jaylen blocking Nikki's clothesline and hits her with a STUNNER. SHE GOES FOR THE COVER."
1, 2-
"And a kick out at two." Michael Cole said "Nikki gets up, and Jaylen running up to Nikki catching her with a super kick to the jaw"
"Uh oh, looks like Jaylen's about to go for the END OF TIME. SHE COVERS NIKKI AGAIN FOR THE DIVAS CHAMPIONSHIP! CAN SHE DO IT!?" Jerry yells excitedly


"SHE DID IT, SHE WON THE DIVAS CHAMPIONSHIP, CAN YOU BELIVE IT COLE!!" yells Jerry. "I most certainly can, she put up a hell of a fight for that title. She knew Nikki wasn't gonna go down so easy." Cole said. "Oh, bull crap, Nikki had her the whole time up until now." JBL said bitterly.

"Here is your winner and the NEW divas champion. Jaylen Austin!!" The announcer said

My music cut on as the ref raised my hand in victory. As soon I got the title in my hands I fell to my knees and held the title close to my chest. I got up and went to the right turnbuckle and raised my title in the air and the crowd cheered loud for my victory.

"You deserve it" chants followed soon behind and I looked around the arena in awe. They were cheering for me.

I asked one of the production members for a microphone and waited for the crowd to calm down so I could have my speech. "I just want to say, thank you, thank you WWE universe for sticking by me all this time. I may not be as good as my father once was, but you all believed in me." I paused as the crowds cheering got loud again. When it went back down, I continued. "I promise you all that I will be the best champion that I can be and more." I gave the mic to a production member, my music turned back on, and got out of the ring slowly walking backwards as I continued to soak in the love that the WWE universe was giving me.

When I got backstage, I was greeted by Dean "Oh my god you did it, I knew you could do it baby rattlesnake." Dean said putting his arm over my neck and ruffling my hair with his other hand.

Dean gave me that name soon after he met my dad. The Rattlesnake. Stone Cold Steve Austin. We have been friends for about 2-3 years now, and he met my dad last year when he came over for thanksgiving, since smack down was taking place near my hometown in Texas.

"Yeah, yeah now can you hug me like a normal person." I said with a friendly attitude. "Oh, come on you know I'm a lunatic. Don't expect me to hug normal, now." He said, opening his arms for a hug. "Shut up that's just your gimmick." I laughed and

gave him a hug. "See that's how you hug normally, Dean." I put emphasis on his name "yeah, yeah whatever come on." He spoke

"Where are we going?" I asked getting into the rental that Dean got for us. "Well, first we're going to the hotel to take showers and then it's a surprise." He put on a sneaky smile. "Well can you just give me a hint." I pleaded. "Jaylen..." he paused. "Yeah?" I said hoping he would tell me something. "No." He looked away with a smile on his face knowing that I'll keep bugging him. "Deannnn pleaseeee." I dragged my words. "Nope." "Just one little word that'll ease my mind a bit." I pleaded. "Fine, water." He gave in. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I kissed his cheek. "That's what best friends are for." He said as we drove off.
I got out the shower that was in the hotel, and Dean got in. Since Dean said "water" for the place that we are going to, and its summer, I put on a bikini and some shorts and a slightly oversized marvel t-shirt over top it. I went to check my twitter to see that it was flooded with congratulating tweets and some... hateful ones but I learned to ignore the hate. I continued to look through my tweets and thank as many people as I could until one tweet caught my eye.
@RandyOrton: Congratulations to the new divas champion. I hope I can work with you someday @JaylenAustin

I got up immediately to tell Dean about the tweet (the cloth from the shower blocks her from seeing Dean, don't worry 😭) "Dean oh my god help!" I almost slipped from running into the bathroom.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asks. "Randy congratulated me. Randy Orton tweeted me Dean. He took time out of his day to congratulate me!! Out of all the people he could have congratulated, he congratulated me!" I said excitedly.

Dean knows how much I love Randy. Ever since he debuted in 2002, I have been obsessed with him. He's never even looked my way until now. "That's great Randy lover, now what are you gonna say back." He yelled over the running water. "Uh, I don't know. I need your help when you get out of the shower." I bit my lip "I'm almost done, I just got to wash my body." He yelled. "Mkay." I walked out of the bathroom and went back to my phone to call my dad. I picked up his contact and the phone started ringing. "Hello." He answered. "Here's your winner, and the new World Wrestling Federation Champion the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin." I said in my announcer voice. "You should ditch being a diva and become an announcer." He laughed. "Hey dad, whatcha doing." I said smiling at his remark "just got done tweeting about your victory." He spoke.

"Oh, guess what." I paused and waited for him to answer "what?" "Randy Orton congratulated me on twitter." I smiled. My dad knows how much I have loved Randy. Every time I bring him up, he goes "You're still in love with him?" Since it has been years since he debuted. I waited for that remark to be made and I was right. "You're still obsessed with Randy?" He asks. "Yes dad, you should know by now that Randy will forever be my first love." I jokingly said, and he laughed. "Yeah, we'll I'm happy for you. And remember what I told you-" I cut him off. "Yeah, I know, to always be a defending champion with an attitude. You've been telling me this since I was a little girl, and

it's always stuck with me." I played with my shorts. "Good, now I've got to go do some things around the house, I'll talk to you later." He spoke. "Alright, bye, love you" he said it back and then we hung up. 

Dean came out of the bathroom completely dressed. "Ok so tell me what you want to say, and I'll tell you what to change and what to keep." He sat down next to me. Dean knew Randy kinda well. The reason I have never met Randy was because I was either with Paige, doing something for WWE, or I was with my dad.

"Okay, so I produced. Thank you so much, and I hope to work with you very soon too." I paused. "So how does that sound." I said messing with my fingers. "Okay, so it's kinda good, I would change the end a bit, too I would also like to work with you, Randy. And then you would tag him. It comes off flirtatious but not desperate and easy." He says. "Alright, so I'll say Thank you so much. I would also like to work with you, Randy." I repeated. "Yeah." He replied. 

@JaylenAustin: Thank you so much, I would also like to work with you, Randy. @RandyOrton

After five minutes of posting, my tweet got a lot of replies. Ones like "this tweet looks a little flirty to me." and "omg are they shooting their shot to each other."

@RandyOrton: Well, why don't we try to make it happen with The Authority. @JaylenAustin

I liked the reply and smiled to myself. "So, I'm guessing he seen it and it went well." Dean walked back over to me. "Yeah, look at what he said." I smiled even bigger. Dean took my phone and read the tweets. "Honestly, Jay, he's never openly asked a girl to work with him, or even in private." He handed me my phone back. "Wait really!" I said, getting excited again. "I swear." I held his arms up. "Ugh, I can't wait until next Monday."

A/N: I won't be editing this so if there are any typos or anything like that, I apologize in advance lmao

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