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"I know you always said you wanted to go camping again, since you haven't gone since you were little. And I asked our friends to come so we wouldn't be alone." Dean scratched his head like he was disappointed at what he did. I hopped off Randy's back and walked over to Dean. "It's perfect, thank you." I hugged him. I felt a tear come down my face. I quickly rubbed my face on Deans hoodie in one motion and pulled away so no one would notice.

I walked closer to the fire seeing that there were marshmallows and stuff to make s'mores. My eyes lit up in excitement when I realized what it was. "Oh my god, can we make some now, I love s'mores." I said pulling on Deans sleeve like a little kid. "I'm down if you guys are down." Dean said looking at the group. I looked at them with my signature puppy eyes that I used to get what I wanted. It's worked on my dad since I was a kid. It even works on my mom sometimes, and she was tough as a rock when it comes to spoiling me. She did a good job with it though. I didn't come out as a spoiled brat, and I always had to work for what I wanted. Even getting into the WWE, I had to work hard for it. I came into the business five years after Randy, and I just now became the divas champ, so no one could say that I got it handed to me. "Yeah, I could go for some s'mores." Dolph said. "I'm down." Randy looked at me. "You know I want some too." Paige also looked at me.

I quickly ran back to the s'more stuff and prepared everyone's plate with the stuff to make the s'mores. We all sat down and roasted our marshmallows. Dolph finished his first and set down his prepared s'more. He took something out of his bag. "Hey, we should listen to some music." He had a Bluetooth speaker and put pandora on his phone. "Any suggestions?" He asked. "Ooh, put on luxurious by, Gwen Stefani." I asked. "Mkay." He typed the song in, and it started playing. Paige and I both got up and started dancing together like we were in a club, as the boys watched. We started singing the lyrics to each other. We both kinda related to the song. We worked hard every night and day so we could afford expensive things, and just human necessities in general. Even though my dad is rich doesn't mean that we acted like it.

The song cut off and Buddah Lovaz by Bone Thugs N Harmony came on. Everyone got up and started rapping with the song. Randy walked over to me and Paige. "Wanna dance?" We both looked at each other confused on who he was asking. "Me?" We both asked. "I'm asking you." He pointed to me. I turned around to hide my blush from Randy and looked at Paige. I opened my mouth and screamed silently. Paige gave me a thumbs up, letting me know to go with him. Paige obviously knows that I'm literally in love with Randy. She was always with me when he was in a match, and I would always act like an over protective fan girl when it looked like he was gonna lose. And I talked to her about him whenever we got on the topic about hot wrestlers. Don't ask. Nonetheless she knew about my obsession.

I turned back around and took Randy's hand. Our dancing went together perfectly. I'm a sucker for guys that can dance. Dean knows that. "Dean you might have some competition." I said pointing to Randy. "Psshh, I doubt it." He brushed him off jokingly. "Oh yeah let's go then." "OH, shit it's about to go down." I said as me and Paige regrouped. She Ooo'ed at my remark. I asked Dolph if I could hold his phone for dance music. He gave me his phone and I searched for In Da Club and played it. "Oh, this is my shit" Randy said. I laughed and Paige joined in.

They both started dancing like absolute idiots. They both busted their ass a couple of times trying to break dance knowing that they can't. Dolph joined in to show them how it's done and surprisingly he was good. He really was The Show Off. "Damn I guess you really are he show off." I said to Dolph as the song ended. "Oh, you know, it's too bad I'm too good." He joked. I pushed his head away playfully. "We should do karaoke." Paige suggested. "Oh my god yes, I wanna go first." I already had the song planned out and everything. I grabbed Dolph's phone and put on P. I. M. P by 50 cent. The beat started and I started to rap the lyrics. "I don't know what you heard about me. But a bitch can get dolla' outta me. No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see. That I'm a motherfuckin' P. I. M. P." "I don't know what you heard about me. But a bitch can get dolla' outta me. No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see. That I'm a motherfuckin' P. I. M. P." I repeated. I sang the rest of the song, and everyone clapped. I jokingly bowed and sat back down.

Paige was next and she put on a song. From the first note I knew was it was. She smirked at me when I gave her a look of shock.

"I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand. They talk to me." Randy started laughed at Paige as she did edgy motions with her hands and face. "You got your rules and your religion. All designed to keep you safe. But when rules start getting broken you start questioning your faith. I have a voice that is my savior. Hates to love and loves to hate. I have a voice that has the knowledge. And the power to rule your fate." We both sang.

I stood up dramatically as the next verse started "I hear voices crying. I see hero's dying. I taste blood that drying. I feel tension rising." We continued. I fell to my knees holding my head like I'm deranged, and Paige pointed at me, when the next verse started. "I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand. They talk to me. They talk to me. They talk to me." I looked up and continued "they tell me things that I will do. They show me things I'll do to you. They talk to me." I did the adlibs and Paige did the main part. The song ended soon after and Randy was dying the whole time, Dean was laughing with Randy, and Dolph looked shocked, but he was still laughing.

Everyone performed their songs and then it was Randy's turn. He did my theme. He nodded his head aggressively at the intro and started singing the lyrics. "Wings spread, poised. Faintly convulsing the sky. How will I know? Bask now in this graying light." He sang just like me and Paige did for his theme but only his voice was worse, considering he couldn't do high notes and he was a terrible singer as is. "Search for that word something likened goodbye. How will I know? That they will cry?" He did his signature hands in the air, things that he does on the turnbuckles on the ring, when the chorus came on. It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life but in a good way.

He finished singing my theme, then we all went into the huge tent that was set up. Dolph, Dean and Paige all had their own air mattress. I didn't have mine because one Dean didn't pack it and two, I had no idea we were camping. So, that meant I had to sleep with Dean. I laid down and tried to get comfortable, but I was on the edge. "Scoot over, I'm falling off the mattress." I told Dean. "I can't I'm falling off too." He shuffled. "I'll just sleep on the floor." He said about to get up. "No, I will." I got up and made him sit back down on the bed. "You can just sleep with me; I have enough room for you. It's a full size." He patted the empty spot for me. I looked at Dean, he was already knocked out, and so was Dolph and Paige. I walked over to Randy and lay next to him. "Are you sure I'm not taking too much space?" I looked over at him. "No there's still a big gap between us" he motioned towards the empty space. "Okay just making sure." I gave him a slight smile. He smiled back at me. I turned on my side with my back facing Randy. I felt Randy's arms his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I turned around snuggling into his chest, quickly falling asleep.

I seriously have to find a way to pay Dean back for this. First, he takes me camping knowing that I've wanted to for a while, and he brings Randy. Now I'm cuddling the man I've had a crush on for twelve years. He outdid himself today.

A/N: this is really shit omg

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