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After waking up I went into the kitchen to stir up some breakfast. "Good morning Fromessa", said Steven.
"How'd ya sleep", he said. " I didn't get much sleep last night", I said.
" I kept having nightmares about how that car crushed that little girl", I said.
"Same with me", said Steven. "Maybe if I was faster or if I didn't call her name she would still be alive right now", I said.
" Don't talk like that Fromessa you don't know what if she is still alive", said Steven. "Maybe we should go visit her in the hospital", I said.
"I wish that we could, but we don't even know her name what if they don't let us in", he said.
"Well I have to go see her I have to know if she's okay", I said as I took a bite out of my cereal. "Alright then after breakfast we'll go and try to see her", Steven said as he took a bite of his cereal.
A humongous smile mad it's way onto my face as I hurriedly tried to finish my cereal. As I finally finished me and Steven both put our plates down and laughed at each other's milk moustache. After I got ready I grabbed the keys and jumped into the driver seat. Steven jumped in and we were on our way.

Later at the hospital hdhdhdd

Me and Steven both walked toward the front desk. " Hi I was here last night, I was the one with the unconscious little girl", I said.
" Oh yes I remember you",she said.
"That was a very brave thing that you did last night",she said. "Yah it was no problem it was good practice for next weeks game.
"Thats where I remember you boys from you guys play for the Bulldogs",she said.
"Bingo so about the girl", I said. " Oh yes anything for some fellow Bulldogs", she said.
"She's in room 307 and her name is Chloe", she said. "Thank you ma'am", I said as I started walking toward the elevator.
Me and Steven found her door and opened it. I see her sitting on the bed. She looks terrible. I went and sat down on the bed as Steven sat across me.
"Are you gonna be okay", I said.
"Yeah because of you",she said. " I never really got to thank you last night because I was kind of unconscious", she said.
"So thank you so much", Chloe said.
"It's really no problem", I said. " No it's a big problem not many people could have carried me all the way over here",Chloe said.
"Well that's Fromessa for yah", said Steven.
"Do you have any family that have been called", said Steven.
She looked down at the floor.
"I don't have any family left, they all died in a car crash last year",she said.
The three of us talked and the next thing we knew we were good friends with Chloe. Me and Steven head out after a few hours and went back home.
I was thinking of maybe becoming her legal guardian since I was 22. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and tried to focus on the game, but I couldn't get that thought out of my mind. If I don't then when she recovers she will be sent straight to a foster home. She doesn't even have anyone to pay her bills!
When I told my thought to Steven he didn't think it was that bad of an idea. We both pushed the thought away and focused on the game.
By the time the game finished I was beat. I yawned and decided to go to bed. I knew I was gonna have a long day tomorrow.

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