6) luring the alpha

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"Lyla, Lyla" Lyla heard a voice say while she was at her locker, and Lyla turned to see Stiles. "Stiles" Lyla said. "Are you okay" Stiles asked.

"You know with the werewolf nearly killing you, I know I should have asked earlier but Jackson hasn't" Stiles said. "Let me out of his sight and hates your guts" Lyla said.

"Yeah" Stiles said. "I'm fine besides Derek came over that night and kept me company" Lyla said.

"Derek he's been coming over a lot" Stiles said. "He is my friend" Lyla said, and Stiles nodded. "You, sure you're okay" Stiles asked her concerned.

"I'm fine I even got Jackson to calm down some" Lyla said. "Okay catch up later" Stiles asked, and Lyla nodded.


Lyla was with Allison and Lydia at the library needing some time with them. "The, what of who" Lydia asked as Allison was telling them about some book.

"The beast of Gevaudan listen a quadruped wolf like monster prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767 La Bête killed over a hundred people becoming so infamous that the King Louie the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it" Allison said.

"Boring" Lydia said. "Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan" Allison said.

"Still boring" Lydia said. "Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator possibly a mesonychid" Allison said.

"Slipping into a coma bored" Lydia said. "While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shape shift into a man-eating monster" Allison said. "Any of this have anything to do with your family" Lyla suddenly asked.

"This it is believed that La Bête was finally trapped and killed by a renown hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature his name was Argent" Allison said showing them a passage on the book.

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf so what" Lydia said. "Not just a big wolf" Allison said before showing them a picture.

"What does that look like to you two" Allison asked them as they looked, and Lyla had flashbacks of that night breathing heavily.

"Lydia, Lyla" Allison said snapping Lydia out of her chance while Lyla was still in her trance before Lydia held her hand snapping her out of it. "Lyla you okay" Allison asked and she nodded.

"It looks like a big wolf" Lydia said. "We will see you in history" Lyla told her as she got up and left with Lydia.


Later that night Stiles asked Lyla to meet him and Scott at the school for what reason she didn't know of. When Lyla arrived, she saw Derek and she went to stand next to him.

"Okay why did you two call me here what's going on" Lyla asked them.

"You called Lyla" Scott asked as Derek looked at her smiling a little before looking back. "Yeah of course I did Derek seems to have a soft spot for her" Stiles said. "Jackson will kill me if she gets hurt" Scott said.

"Nothing is going to happen to her Derek won't do anything" Stiles said.

"How do you know that" Scott asked. "Cause out of the three of you I actually like her" Derek said annoyed as they started heading towards the school.

"Wait hey what are you doing" Derek asked them. "You said I was linked with the alpha I'm gonna see if your right" Scott said as he and Stiles headed in the school.


After some time, Lyla and Derek heard what sounded like a cat through the monitor. "You've got to be kidding me" Derek said.

"Was that Scott" Lyla asked him. "Unfortunately, yes" Derek said. "Sounds more like a cat" Lyla said, and Derek laughed smiling at her while she smiled at him.

Then all of a sudden, a loud roar came through the monitor and Derek held onto Lyla's waist protectively.

"Are you okay" Derek asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine" Lyla told him, and Scott and Stiles came out as they went to them.

"I'm gonna kill both of you" Derek said. "What was that what are you trying to do attract the entire state to the school" Derek asked them. "Sorry I didn't know it be that loud" Scott said.

"Yeah, it was loud, and it was awesome" Stiles said. "Shut up" Derek and Lyla both said.

"Don't be such a sour wolf" Stiles said. "What'd you do with him" Scott asked. "What are you talking about" Lyla asked as Derek looked in his car before looking back.

"I didn't do anything" Derek said then all of a sudden, the alpha came grabbing Derek killing him while Lyla let out a scream when the alpha tossed him.

Lyla was too much in shock to realize Scott and Stiles dragged her in the school.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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