6) frenemy

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Later that night Lyla went home to her bedroom locking her window in case Derek showed up.

She quickly changed getting ready to get in bed when she heard a knock on her window, and she looked to see Derek who had a confused expression while she unlocked it opening it but not letting him in as she stood in front of it.

"What" Lyla said. "Why is your window locked" Derek asked. "You never lock it" Derek said.

"You tried to kill Lydia" Lyla said. "Lyla the venom didn't affect" Derek started to say but she stopped him.

"If you would have told me what was going on I could have told you it wasn't her don't ask me how I know but I knew it wasn't her from the beginning Derek we're like sisters she has been there for me since she dated my brother and when my brother couldn't be there, she was I don't know who I am without her" Lyla said.

"Lyla I'm sorry" Derek said, and Lyla started to close the window, but Derek stopped her.

"You're really kicking me out" Derek asked. "Yeah, oh and sorry" Lyla said. "Sorry for what" Derek asked her.

"This" Lyla said pushing Derek off the roof closing her window locking it finally going to bed.


Lyla went to school the next day with Allison as Scott and Stiles were missing dodging her calls. "Wait you actually pushed him off your window" Allison asked.

"Yes" Lyla said, and Allison laughed. "Remind me to never get on your bad side" Allison said, and Lyla smiled.

"Noted" Lyla said, and she saw Erica. "Catch up later" Lyla asked, and Allison nodded while Lyla went to Erica who gave her a guilty look. "You're lucky I can't stay mad at you" Lyla said sighing.

Erica smiled and gave Lyla a hug while she hugged her back.

She pulled away from the hug. "Did I hear you pushed Derek off your window last night" Erica asked.

"Yes, I did" Lyla told her, and they began to walk to class. Erica laughed at her.

"Aren't you too a thing" Erica asked. "Honestly, I don't know we acted like a thing even before we realized we had feelings for each other" Lyla told her.

"Well, if it helps you be cute together try not to be to upset with him" Erica said, and Lyla nodded.


Soon enough Lyla caught up with Issac and hit his head against the locker. "Ow okay I deserved that" Issac said.

"You're lucky I consider you as a friend" Lyla said, and he smiled. "I feel honored" Issac said and smiled. "So, you threw Derek off a window" Issac said.

"Does everyone know" Lyla asked, and Boyd came over.

"Yeah, pretty much he was covered in branches" Issac said, and Lyla smiled. "Eh it's not like he didn't deserve it we all did sorry Lyla" Boyd said.

"Just don't do it again" Lyla said. "No worries I don't want to get on your bad side" Boyd said. "Yeah me either" Issac said. "I'll see you guys later" Lyla said and left.


As soon as Lyla got home her parents told her what happened, and she was furious.

Even if she was not on speaking terms with her brother still did not give them the right to kidnap him.

She heard a knock on her window, and she went to it seeing Derek as she unlocked it going to close her door when Derek came in closing the window.

"You're not mad at me anymore" Derek asked her. "No, I'm still mad just more upset with Scott and Stiles" Lyla said sitting on the bed.

"Well, that's progress" Derek said sitting next to her.

"I really am sorry I'm just trying to protect you and I rather have you hate me then see you dead I care about you too much" Derek said, and Lyla smiled before she kissed his cheek.

"What was that for" Derek asked her. "For literally being the only guy who has ever said that to me" Lyla said, and he smiled.

"So can you try being less mad with me" Derek asked. "I'll try my best" Lyla told him, and Derek smiled.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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