10) monstrous

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Stiles dropped Lyla off at the loft after everything that had happened and making sure Lydia was okay. As soon as she entered the loft, she saw Derek on the couch waiting for her.

As soon as he saw her, he made his way to her hugging her. "Are you okay" Derek asked. "Yeah, I'm okay" Lyla said.

"How's Lydia" Derek asked knowing she was worried for her. "She's fine they went to the sheriff's station and Derek nodded then smiled.

"Why are you smiling like that" Lyla asked. "I always smile like this" Derek said. "No, you don't" Lyla said. "What is it" Lyla asked. "Okay before you took off you said something" Derek said.

"What did I say" Lyla asked confused. "You said see you at home, as in calling here home" Derek said.

"Oh well that's a little embarrassing" Lyla said going to sit down.

Derek went to sit next to her. "Why's that" Derek asked. "Because we don't technically live together besides, I just got off the phone with my dad, he said that Sheriff wouldn't mind if I stayed with him for a while, he has an extra room I can stay in" Lyla said.

"Can I still sneak in like I used to" Derek asked. "Of course," Lyla said.

"I loved living with you" Derek said. "And I loved living with you maybe someday we will have our own place together if we ever get out of Beacon Hills" Lyla said.

"I thought you loved Beacon Hills" Derek said. "I do but sometimes I just need a break lately it's been about pain, staying alive, death I just want to get away from it for a while, but I wouldn't leave" Lyla said.

"You wouldn't" Derek asked. "Not without you" Lyla said and Derek smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder staying for a while before leaving to go live with Noah and Stiles


Derek, Lyla, and Braeden met Scott at Argent's where he had all the supernatural's to try to keep them safe.

"They'll be okay" Scott told Derek. Derek looked at them before looking back.

"They've got claws and fangs but they're not fighters" Derek said. "That's why I called you" Scott said. "Well try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore either" Derek said.

"It's why I called Lyla" Derek added. "And why I called Braeden" Lyla said.

"Am I the only one still hoping this is just all a false alarm" Kira asked. "No, you're not" Lyla said. "I mean it's possible we could wait here all night, and nothing happens right" Kira asked.

"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles and Lydia yet" Braeden asked.

"Lydia's still talking to Meredith Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house they're trying to stop it" Scott said.

"What if there is no stopping it what if it doesn't end until we're all dead" Brett asked slightly checking Lyla out as Derek noticed as he pulled her closer to him holding her hand.

"Then let's send a message let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list it doesn't matter if they're professional assassins or an amateur who just picked up a gun" Derek said.

"Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money is gonna be put on another list, our list they get to be a name on our dead pool" Derek said then gave Lyla long kiss till eventually Brett looked away.

Derek pulled away from the kiss. "Jealousy looks hot on you" Lyla said knowing what Derek was doing and Derek just rolled his eyes.


Soon the assassins and anyone else who was trying to kill the supernatural's arrived at Argent's and everyone was fighting.

"How many are there" Derek asked shooting his gun. "Too many" Braeden and Lyla said at the same time. Then they all continued to fight.


Soon enough Lyla heard phones going off and she looked seeing no one was fighting anymore.

"Go Malia and Stiles" Lyla said knowing they stopped it.


"Is it over, really over" Kira asked. "It's over" Lyla said and leaned into Derek who put his arm around her.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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