19) confronting Peter

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Once they took Issac to the hospital after he saved Allison from the nogitsune trap Derek took Lyla to his loft instead of taking her home not wanting her anywhere but with him.

Lyla and Derek were cuddled up on the bed together. "You ready to tell me what's bothering you" Derek asked.

"What nothing" Lyla said. "Lyla, I know you" Derek said and Lyla sighed. "Okay" Lyla said and sat up with Derek doing the same.

"Lately I been hearing things which is normal for a banshee but I'm afraid to say anything because I'm afraid I may be wrong again like with Stiles" Lyla admitted.

"Hey, you can't let that stop you and who knows maybe you were right" Derek said. "He wasn't there" Lyla exclaimed.

"Let me finish anyways he may have not been there but you had that feeling for a reason we may not know what it is yet but I'm sure you'll figure it out you always do don't give up yet I believe in you like always there's a reason for this even if we don't know it yet I love you so don't give up it's not who you are" Derek told Lyla who smiled before kissing his cheek.

"You're the best boyfriend a girl could have" Lyla said. "You bring it out in me" Derek said and Lyla blushed before laying back on his chest.

"Thanks for making me feel better" Lyla said. "You can always count on me" Derek said playing with her hair.


Lyla met up with Scott, Melissa, and Allison at the hospital the next day when she saw Allison asleep on a chair.

Scott touched her waking her up when she looked at them. "Have you been here all night" Scott asked. "Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family" Allison explained.

"I told them he doesn't have any" Allison said. "And what about us Ms. I think I know everything" Lyla asked.

"Lyla" Scott said. "Hey, she started it I'm just continuing it I'm done being pushed around by little huntress" Lyla said.

Okay well like Lyla said he's got us, and I've got a keycard" Melissa said and they all went to Issacs's room when Melissa swiped her key.

"Be quick" Melissa said and Lyla, Scott, and Allison went in.

Allison grabbed ahold of Scott's hand when both Scott and Lyla noticed, and Scott jerked his hand away going to Lyla before walking to Issac.

"I thought he'd be healing by now" Allison said. "So did I" Scott said. Lyla went to touch him but realized he was in pain. "Is he in pain" Allison asked her.

"Lots" Lyla said. "I didn't ask you" Allison said. "You want a fist in your mouth" Lyla asked and grabbed Issac's arm taking his pain with Scott helping her.

They both eventually pulled away from him after taking some of his pain. "It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain" Scott said.

"Did Stiles really do this" Allison asked. "Whatever's controlling him did it" Scott said.

"Whatever's inside him" Lyla said. "Well then how do we get whatever's inside of him out of him" Allison asked. "I'm working on it" Scott said.


Lyla, Scott, Ethan, and Aiden found Stiles at school after hearing one of Argent's emitters.

Stiles then slowly turned around, but Lyla had a feeling something wasn't right. "Okay I know what you guys are thinking but it's me I swear it's me" Stiles said but Lyla wasn't buying it.

The twins then started growling going to attack him. "Wait stop" Scott said going to the twins throwing Ethan off of him when Aiden roared but Scott roared back causing him to change back to human.

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