7) Night school

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"Lock it, lock it" Scott said to Stiles. "Do I look like I have a key" Stiles said. "Grab something" Scott said. "What" Stiles said. "Anything" Scott said. "Is Lyla going to be okay" Stiles asked noticing she wasn't speaking.

"Yeah, she's just in shock" Scott said. Stiles saw something and Lyla noticed what he was looking at. "No" Scott said. "Yes" Stiles said.

Stiles went to go grab it as Lyla heard Scott say "Stiles no don't. "Run Stiles run" Scott said and Stiles made it back in the school locking it the best they can.

"Where is it, where'd it go, that won't hold it will it" Scott asked. "Probably not" Stiles said, and a wolf howled causing Stiles to drag Lyla to an empty classroom.

"The desk stop, stop the door's not gonna keep it out" Stiles said. "I know" Scott said.

"It's your boss" Stiles said. "What" Scott said. "Deaton the alpha your boss" Stiles said. "No" Scott said.

"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf" Stiles said. "That can't be" Scott said.

"Oh, come on he disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air that's not convenient timing" Stiles said. "It's not him" Scott said.

"He killed Derek and I think that's why Lyla is in shock" Stiles said as they looked at her before going back to their conversation.

"No Derek's not dead he can't be dead" Scott said. "Blood spurted out of his mouth okay that doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury he's dead and we're next" Stiles said.

"Okay just what do we do" Scott asked. "We get to my jeep we get out of here you seriously think about quitting your job and hope that Jackson doesn't kill us for what is happening to his sister" Stiles said as Stiles pulled Lyla to the window.

Scott tried to open the window. "No, they don't open the school's climate controlled" Stiles said.

"Then we break it" Scott said. "Which will make a lot of noise" Stiles said. "Then uh then we run really fast really fast" Scott said before he noticed something was wrong with Stiles's jeep.

"Stiles what's wrong with the hood of your jeep" Scott asked. "What do you mean nothing's wrong" Stiles said. "It's bent" Scott said.

"What like dented" Stiles asked looking with him. "No, I mean bent" Scott said. "What happened to my" Stiles asked before something came through the window causing them to lean against the window.

"That's my battery" Stiles said going to get up before Scott pushed him back down.

"Don't" Scott said. "We have to move" Stiles said. "He could be right outside" Scott said. "He is right outside" Stiles said.

"Just let me take a look" Scott said taking a look. "Nothing" Stiles asked. "No" Scott said. "Move now" Stiles asked. "Move now" Scott said as Stiles grabbed Lyla dragging her with them.

"This way" Scott said before Stiles stopped him. "No, no, no, no" Stiles said. "What" Scott asked.

"Somewhere without windows" Stiles said. "Every single room in this building has windows" Scott said.

"Somewhere with less windows" Stiles said. "The locker room" Scott said. "Yeah" Stiles said. "Okay" Scott said as they headed to the locker room.

"Call your dad" Scott said. "And tell him what" Stiles asked. "I don't know anything gas leak a fire whatever if that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars it'll take off" Scott said.

"What if it doesn't what if it goes completely terminator and kills every cop in sight including my dad" Stiles asked. "They have guns" Scott said.

"Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane laced bullet to even slow him down you remember that" Stiles said.

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