13) Bardo

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Kitsunes and Chaos

(Episode 13-34)


Lyla was heading into school on the phone trying to get ahold of Derek after he was gone longer than usual. She got no reply once again after the 5th try.

"Derek where are you" Lyla asked. "I'm starting to get worried call me back I love you" Lyla said hanging up the phone then headed over to Lydia.

"Hey Lyds" Lyla said to her. "Hey Lyla, still haven't heard from Derek" Lydia asked Lyla.

"No and I'm starting to get worried something could be wrong" Lyla said then before she could answer Allison walked in freaked out and Lydia and Lyla made their way to her.

"Allison" Lyla said worried. "Are you okay" Lydia asked and she nodded.

Allison rolled her eyes at Lyla before facing Lydia. "What is she doing here" Allison asked. "I keep telling you I am nothing like Deucalion" Lyla said.

"And I don't believe you cause every time I look at you all i see is him" Allison said. "Hey Allison stop your making a mistake" Lydia said.

"No, the mistake was being friends with her" Allison said.


After Lydia and Lyla discovered what was going on with Allison, they made their way to Scott and Stiles catching the end of their conversation.

"Because it's happening to all three of you" Lydia said.

"Well, well look who's no longer the crazy one" Lydia said with Lyla by her side as they all entered the school.

"We're not crazy" Allison said, and Lydia and Lyla faced them.

"Hallucinating sleep paralysis" Lyla asked. "Yeah, you guys are fine" Lydia said sarcastically. "We did die and come back to life that's gotta have some side effects right" Scott said.

"We keep an eye on each other okay" Stiles said. "And Lydia, stop enjoying this so much" Stiles said heading to class.

"What" Lydia said, and Scott and Allison left but before Lydia did, she looked at Lyla.

"You okay" Lydia asked Lyla. "Yeah, I'm just worried about Derek" Lyla said. "Maybe there's traffic" Lydia said. "Or maybe Peter did something incredibly stupid and got him along with my boyfriend caught by some hunters" Lyla said.

"I'm sure he's fine" Lydia said and left. "I hope so" Lyla said.


Allison, Lydia, Issac, and Lyla were in art class, and Lyla still hasn't heard a thing from Derek which was not good. Allison was struggling to paint after the whole dying then coming back to life thing.

"Not the steadiest hand for a superb marksman" Lydia said.

"It's been happening for the past few weeks since that night" Allison said and she spilled paint on her scrap while Lydia got up seeing it.

"Start over" Lydia said and she did. Issac must have noticed Allison was acting weird as he looked over.


It was the end of the school day and Lydia took Allison somewhere to where she thinks would help where Lyla was at Derek's loft hoping to see him there, but he wasn't there.

Having no other choice, she called the one person she knew who knew a person that could track Derek down.

"Hey Deucalion or dad that is still weird to say I need your help" Lyla said to him.


It was the next day after school and after class Lyla met up with the others at lunch.

"Does the Deucalion mini me have to sit with us" Allison asked. "Okay that's enough I get it you don't like me" Lyla said. "Wow she's smart" Allison said.

"And no matter how many times i tell you I'm nothing like my father you won't believe me but just stop" Lyla said.

"Lyla's right Allison you can either stop or leave" Scott said. "Okay so what happens to a person who has a near death experience and comes out of it seeing things" Scott asked.

"And is unable to tell what's real or not" Stiles added. "And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives" Allison said.

"They're all locked up because they're insane" Issac said and Lyla kicked him under the table.

"Lyla" Issac said. "Yes, can I help you" Lyla asked acting innocently. "Can you at least try to be helpful please" Stiles asked. "For half my childhood I was locked in a freezer so being helpful is kind of a new thing for me" Issac said.

"Hey dude, are you still milking that" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, maybe I am still milking that" Issac said and then a girl walked up. "Hi" she said, and they all looked at her.

"Hi sorry I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about" she said.

"And I think I actually might know what you're talking about" she said. "There's a Tibetan word for it it's called bardo it literally means in between state the state between life and death" she said.

"And what do they call you" Lydia asked. "Lydia be nice she's new I seen her around she's nice" Lyla said.

"Kira" Scott said, and Lyla looked at him along with everyone else. "She's in our history class" Scott said and she smiled. "So are you talking bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian" Lydia asked. "Either I guess" Kira said sitting next to Lyla.

"But all the stuff you guys were just saying all that happens in bardo there are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations some you see some you just hear, and you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities" Kira said.

"Wrathful deities" Issac asked. "What are those" Lyla asked. "Like demons" Kira said.

"Demons why not" Stiles said. "Hold on if there are different progressive states then what's the last one" Allison asked. "Death, you die" Kira said.


Lyla was in her room getting some things together when Lydia walked in.

"Hey, you coming with me and Stiles to find Malia you know the werecoyote" Lydia asked. "I wish I could, but I just got a message from this girl Braeden, Deucalion hired her to find Derek and she just told me that she thinks she found him along with Peter so I'm going to try to help" Lyla said.

"Hey look about Allison" Lydia said. "Lydia please don't I know she doesn't like me at least not anymore she assumes I'm like my father its fine if she wants to play that game, we'll play that game" Lyla said.

"Can you cover for me" Lyla asked. "I should be back tomorrow maybe hopefully" Lyla said. "Yeah of course be careful" Lydia said. "I'll try I gotta go I'm meeting her in a few" Lyla said and left.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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