9) the darach

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Stiles pulled up to the school in his jeep after Allison called. "Where is she" Stiles asked getting out of his jeep.

"Over here" Allison said, and Scott and Stiles went over to her. "Lydia" Stiles said.

"It's the same thing, same thing as the pool I got into the car heading somewhere totally different and ended up here and you told me to call you if there's a dead body" Lydia said. "You found a dead body" Stiles asked.

"Not yet" Lydia said. "What do you mean not yet" Stiles asked. "Lydia you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body" Stiles told her.

"Oh no I'm not doing that again you find the dead body from now on" Lydia said.

"Hey where's Lyla" Lydia asked and Allison rolled her eyes which Stiles noticed.

"Not sure she was supposed to meet us here" Scott said. "How are we supposed to find the dead body you're always the one finding the dead body" Stiles said. "Guys" Scott said, and they all looked.

"I found the dead body and Lyla" Scott said. Lydia went over to Lyla who looked confused and scared at the same time.

Lydia tried to touch her, but she flinched till she realized it was just Lydia.

Lydia pulled her to her holding her. "What happened" Lydia asked her. "I don't know I was with Derek and then I left for a second feeling like I needed to be somewhere then the next thing I know I'm standing next to a dead body" Lyla said.

"Someone, call Derek" Scott said and Stiles grabbed his phone dialing his number.


Derek picked Lyla up from the school and was driving towards the loft.

"Derek I'm fine" Lyla said. "Oh, really then why were you at the school having no idea how you got there along with finding a dead body" Derek asked.

"I don't know" Lyla said. "Hey, don't stress okay we will figure it out" Derek said and she nodded.

"Derek why is this happening to me I'm a werewolf not someone who goes looking for bodies" Lyla asked.

"I don't know but I promise you I will find out" Derek said, and Lyla nodded holding his hand while he drove.


Lydia, Stiles, and Lyla were in Ms. Blake's class aka the woman Lyla got nearly killed for. Lyla noticed Lydia drew a tree and she smiled at her.

"Idioms analogies metaphors and similes all tools, the writer uses to tell their story" Ms. Blake said noticing Lydia's drawing.

"Lydia I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents" Ms. Blake said to Lydia. "You and every guy I've ever dated" Lydia said while Lyla held in a laugh.

"Oh well um that was an idiom by the way" Ms. Blake said looking at Lyla for a split second like she knew her before going back to teaching.

"Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or the culture they're phrases that only make sense if you know key words saying jump the gun is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race or a phrase like seeing the whole board" Ms. Blake said.

"Like chess" Stiles said. "That's right Stiles do you play" Ms. Blake asked.

"Uh no, my father does" Stiles said. "Now when does an idiom become a cliche" Ms. Blake asked. "If it's used often enough such as it's raining cats and dogs" Lyla said tuning out Scott and Stiles conversation.

"That's right Lyla good job" Ms. Blake said continuing the class.


"I think I can get to Ethan" Scott said to Stiles. "I'm pretty sure I can make him talk" Scott said.

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