Chapter Six - Life is A Joke, Death is the Punchline

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I returned to my desk after the chaos that ensued up front, and started working like nothing had happened. That's all I could do, is bury myself in my work. Chris, however, was not so willing to pretend like it never happened. He was sat in his office filing a restraining order against Trevor so that he could no long come into the funeral home. I was thankful to have a few minutes by myself in the office while Ben met with a family and Veronica went on a lunch date with her husband. I thought it was sweet. Veronica was in her mid 50s and her husband would still take her on surprise lunch dates. I guess I could have had that, but I'd be lying to myself for the rest of my days. Worst of all, lying to him. I shoved those thoughts to the side and started working on an obituary for one of Chris' families, shoving my AirPods in my ear. I was interrupted when someone pulled out my earphones, disrupting my Slipknot. I recognized the tattooed hand that placed it in their ear.

"Slipknot? I approve." Chris said as he shrugged.

"Sorry, I'm still working on that obituary. I'm almost done with it. I just need to list service dates." I let him know. He shook his head and smiled at me.

"That's not why I'm here."

"You just want to bug me?"

"Pretty much. Will you do me a favor and work one of my services with me tomorrow? I could take Ben, but he's not as pretty as you." I turned back to my computer, hiding my blush.

"Yeah, which one?"

"It's the baby family. I figured it may be some comfort for the mother to see another woman there." Fuck, I hate those. I agreed to help him, and then he pulled another chair up to my desk and sat down. "Salem, are you okay?" No, I was not, but I'd never tell him that.

"I'm fine. Really, I am, I just don't want to talk about it." I really didn't. I wanted to forget the whole situation, really. It was causing such a migraine for me.

"Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? Besides, I still have Gizmo at the house and a few of your things. I'll cook dinner and we can watch a movie." Chris stood up, placing the chair back at a desk as he awaited my answer. I bit my lip, debating on if it was truly a good idea, but decided to agree. It was harmless, right?
After work I pulled back up to Chris' extravagant house, and parked in the driveway. He came out onto the porch to greet me, pulling me into a hug then ushering me in, his hand resting on my lower back. He had a kitchen towel thrown over his shoulder, his button down had four buttons undone, his suit jacket sloppily thrown on the back of the couch. Chris made his way back into the kitchen and I followed.

"I hope you don't mind," he grabbed s glass and poured me some wine, "but I got Gizmo a bed and a few toys and treats." I looked over to see Gizmo laying on a new dog bed fit for a princess, surrounded by her new toys. I chuckled a little, then went and picked her up.

"You didn't have to do that, Chris."

"She's a princess, she deserves everything."

"She's a dog, Chris."

"Shh, she will hear you." I rolled my eyes and put her back down, then stood next to Chris in the kitchen, leaning against the counter top. He looked over at me and stopped stirring the food, his eyes looking me up and down as I clutched my glass in my hands.

"I'm having a very tough time staying professional with you in that dress, Salem." Chris admitted, getting closer to me. Was I really going to do this again? Before I knew it his hands were on my hips, pulling them into his, making me feel the bulge in his suit pants. "You... you make me think things, make me want to do things, that would never cross my mind with an employee," he stated as his lips graze my cheek, "I want this pulled up," he tugged at my dress, "and those lace panties you're wearing pulled down," I flushed at his words. They were simply irresistible. Chris was making such compelling offers. "I want to take you up against this counter, right here, right now. I want you to scream my name until you're hoarse tomorrow," his lips were centimeters from mine, "I want to feel every inch of your body with my lips, all I need is for you to say 'okay'."

"Okay," I said, almost breathless. I felt him grin against my lips as pressed in, then lifted me up. His hands held my ass as he carried me to a bedroom. Once on the other side of the door he practically slammed me against it, causing it to rattle. My hands were tangled in his jet black hair as he pulled up my dress, and pushed my panties to the side. He shoved a long finger in, slowly curling it. Small moans escaped from my mouth, telling him that I did indeed enjoy it, so he added another finger as he bit down on my neck. He placed a mark where his lips were, then trailed down to my collarbone to leave more bites. I felt as though my skin was on fire. No one had ever touched me like this. Soft, yet rough and yearning. He withdrew his now soaked fingers, and undid his pants. He pulled them down with his boxers, freeing his erection, then slowly put his head at my entrance.

"If I'm being too rough, stop me. I don't want to hurt you, I just want you to feel like a goddess." His words dripped with lust and desired and I nodded my head. He put his whole length in and I threw my head back against the door. I saw him smirk, then felt him withdraw and shove himself back in. My body jolted, causing that cursed door to rattle loud enough that I was sure the whole neighborhood knew what was happening. His thrusts started slow, but sped up as our bodies built a rhythm. Chris' hand was now resting on my throat. Not harshly, but tight enough to feel that my pulse was rapid for him. He started going with the speed of my pulse as my hands scratched at his back under his white dress shirt. His groans were deep and throaty, and set my whole being on fire as I practically bounced on his cock. His one arm was just enough to make sure I didn't crash to the ground along with the tightness of our bodies against that door. I got more sensitive to his throbbing cock hitting my spot, and began to tighten around him as I started to scream his name.

"F-fuck, Chris, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop," I pleaded as I started to reach my orgasm. I truly wanted him to keep going even after I cum. This was the best I had ever felt. The way he moved his hips, the way his hand was on my throat, then the thought of him taking me against his desk... my buzzer went off, and everything exploded into white and pure bliss took over as I released onto him. I felt him give some last hard thrusts, then he pulled out and forced me onto my knees.

"I want to finish in your mouth as I watch you play with yourself." He demanded. Oh. I had never done that before with a guy. I opened my mouth and placed my lips around his cock, then trailed my fingers down to my clit as I rubbed it in a circular motion. Chris' eyes were fixated on me, but as I started to take him deeper he threw his head back, letting out a loud groan. Chris bucked his hips, forcing me to deep throat him. Tears built in my eyes out of an impulsive reaction, but I truly liked it. The pain was almost rewarding. My suction tightened as I bobbed my head, and I rubbed my clit faster. I felt my cum practically spill out onto my thighs as I moaned around his cock. His hands were entangled in my hair as he held my head in place and fucked my mouth. Chris threw his head back and I felt him fill my mouth with his cum. When he pulled out his cum dropped off of my tongue and down my chin. Chris smirked at the sight before him, then pulled his pants back on and helped me up.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" He asked, brushing my hair behind my ear and caressing my cheek. I shrugged.

"Just a little sore, that's all." My voice was hoarse from deep throating him and screaming his name. It made him grin. He kissed the top of my head, then we walked back into the kitchen, where we sat down and ate like nothing had happened. Well, almost. I had to ask the begging question: what are we?

"Really good friends," was his response. I scoffed and took a sip of my wine that he had poured me.

"So do you fuck all your friends?" I didn't mean to let the smart comment roll out, but it did. He put his fork down and looked over at me.

"Not that it's any of your business, but you're the first person I have fucked since she left me. Now, drop it." Oh. I had many more questions, but I think I had already pushed him too far. We sat in silence until my phone interrupted us. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was my friend Ash. I realized I had missed several calls and texts from her.


I answered the phone and heard her take a breath of relief.

"Ash, I'm eating with a friend, what's this about?" I asked her.

"You have to come back out here. It's your ex, he-he's dead."

'Til Death - Chris Motionless Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now