Chapter Nineteen - A Decision

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Chris and I sat down on the couch together, my legs anxiously shaking, with everything laid out on the coffee table in front of us. Pamphlets, print outs, everything that the doctor could offer he gave. It had been three days since we had found out, and we both took Monday off of work to discuss this. Chris was still in just as much shock as I was about the whole ordeal, but part of me felt like he was also slightly excited, like he wanted this deep down.

"Salem, I will fully support you in whatever you decide, I promise that. You want to keep it, I will be by your side through all of it, you want to go with abortion that's completely okay. I want what's best for you." His hand was intertwined in mine as we faced each other. The logical thing would be to go through with abortion, I mean, I'm not ready to be a parent. I'd have to quit my job, and I'd be fully reliant on Chris who I still didn't have a lot of trust in. On the other hand, it'd for sure be cute.

"Chris, I still don't know that I can trust you," I finally admitted. He ran his hand through his hair then stood up. His body language was telling of his feelings. He was frustrated, yet regretful.

"Salem, I don't know what else I can tell you. I don't know how else to apologize! I fucked up, and I should have told you about what happened. Salem," Chris got down on his knees in front of me and gripped my hands in his yet again, "please, please do not let this ruin us. I can't breathe without you." I took a deep breath as I weighed the decision I was about to make here, knowing it may bite me in the ass later.

"You get one more chance, Chris. One more. No more after this."

"That's all I need. I will lay every secret out, I will show you every skeleton in my closet, include you in every business meeting. You will be my right hand from this day forward." His smile was ear to ear as he got back on the couch with me. Okay, one decision out of the way. Now the more difficult one. What would we be doing about the literal being growing inside of me? Chris could tell my thoughts were weighing heavy on me as I looked a booklet. He softly grabbed it from my hands, then gripped my face in his hands. "Salem, why don't we just go out tonight and we will figure this out tomorrow."

"Chris, I don't think it's a good idea to procrastinate on this decision. I mean, this is literally a life altering decision-" he placed a finger on my lips, hushing my rambling.

"Babe, we will make a decision tomorrow. I promise. Lets go to a museum or something, something fun to take our mind off of it." That actually did sound nice. We agreed on the aquarium, so we headed out. It was something I hadn't seen yet, so I was kind of excited. Chris and I walked through, hand in hand as we talked mindlessly about other things, but I couldn't help but notice that suddenly everyone had babies, and they were... adorable.

"So you're telling me that you wanted to be a marine biologist all because of Sea World?" Chris asked with his eyebrow raised as he looked down at me. I nodded my head.

"I wanted to swim with the dolphins at the shows. It looked fun!" Chris continued to laugh at me, and I slapped his arm lightly, "I was like, 15! I had hopes and dreams then!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. How did you even end up in the funeral industry?"

"Well, I grew up and realized that Sea World kind of sucks, and I need a new career path. I woke up one day and just decided that that's what I wanted."

"Was it what you wanted or what your parents wanted?" Had he just read into my soul?

"Okay, I wanted to be a tattoo artist, but my parents urged me to choose something different. Funeral directing and embalming was my second choice." Chris looked down at me and smiled, then stopped in his tracks. I turned to face him, my hand still in his.

"For what it's worth, Ms. Alastair, I think you'd make a wonderful tattoo artist. Salem, I will take care of you, I will let you pursue whatever crazy dream you want, just marry me." This man was crazy. How did we wind up back to this? "We can have our small, though unexpected, family. We can run the funeral home together, or you can step back from the business completely." Oh, I see now. I see what this was about. He wanted a family, he wanted this. "Salem, when Lilith got stabbed shortly before she passed, she was pregnant. I was ecstatic. I mean, I had everything planned. Then, it was all ripped from me. Now, listen, I am by no means trying to talk you into keeping the baby, but I want you to know that if that is your decision I'm not going anywhere." My heart was racing in my chest. This whole situation was stressing me out, and I hadn't slept in days. I'd toss and turn all night, even with Chris next to me. Chris did it once again, he got down on one knee, in front of everyone, and gripped my hand tightly. Suddenly, I was back in Texas with my ex in front of me with friends and family surrounding. All eyes on me as I ran through my brain trying to figure out what to say. As I peered into his eyes I realized I couldn't break him, I couldn't say no. I had been denying myself this long of just taking a leap, and all for what? To protect myself? I think that was thrown out the window when I got pregnant with his child.

"Yes, Chris. I will marry you, and have this small, perfect family with you."

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