Chapter Seventeen - A Broken Man

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My leg shook rapidly as we sat at the restaurant, facing the owners and a few managers from the mortuary service. Chris takes them all out to dinner every few months to stay in their good graces and to just catch up in general. Jim, the owner, sat across from Chris, with his prissy blonde wife next to him. She was dripping in pearls and diamonds, carrying her designer bag and sporting a gorgeous black silk dress that resembled mine, but definitely had a few extra zeros on the price tag. They were in their late 50s, and, from what Chris had said, were practically retired already. In fact, they were chattering on about the cruise that they would be boarding tomorrow as my thoughts ran rampant. Chris slid his arm around my shoulders, and squeezed lightly, almost as if he were trying to put me at ease. Over the course of a couple weeks, Chris had become more caring, and softer. Like I had began to melt the ice box that he trapped his heart in.

"So, Salem, what do you do? How did you and Chris meet?" Jim asked, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked over at Chris, asking permission to tell them about it before I blurted it out. Chris nodded his head.

"Chris actually hired me as a funeral director and embalmer, but I guess I made an impression on him," Chris smiled and lightly chuckled.

"Yes, quite the impression, indeed. She is one hell of an embalmer. This past week she embalmed three cases in a day without my help, then embalmed one we got at three in the morning. Not to brag or anything, but she's pretty amazing," Oh, but he was bragging. Gloating even.

"She's going to drive us out of business!" Aaron, the manager exclaimed. Jim crossed his arms and shifted in his seat, then furrowed his brow.

"More like the prices of your services. The price increase is insane!" Chris argued. Jim shifted again, then rested his head on his hands, his elbows propped up on the table.

"What can we do for you, Mr. Cerulli? I mean, you are our largest account."

"I pay this beautiful woman here less in a month than what you charge for two embalmings and a pick up," was he using me as a business pawn?

"Let's come up with a deal then, toss me some numbers, what do you have in mind, Chris?" They began tossing numbers back and forth, definitely higher than my pay. I was bored of the conversation, so I excused myself to the bathroom finally. As I stood at the sink washing my hands, someone else came out of one of the stalls and started washing her hands in the sink next to me. It was Jim's wife, Marlene.

"You know, we were a little surprised when Christopher said he was bringing a date to dinner, now I realize why," she was very soft spoken, "Salem, you are so bright, and young, don't let yourself be fooled by him. He's a broken man." Her words left me speechless as I watched her dry her hands and then walk out. What the hell was that even about? I shook off the awkward confrontation, then walked back out to the table where Chris stood up and pulled my chair out for me, then pushed it in. After the interaction in the bathroom, I began to catch on to the awkward glances and hushed secrets that Marlene and Chris had passed back and forth. Once dinner was over with Chris helped me slide on my jacket, and we walked out to his car. I remained silent until we pulled up to the house.

"Salem, is everything alright, babe?" He asked, concern in his voice. I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly wasn't sure if everything was alright. I had many a suspicion with Chris now. What was he hiding? Were there other women before me and he just lied about it? Chris took a deep sigh and shut off the car. "I'll tell you everything, just come in the house."

"I don't know if I want to know everything," my voice was hushed and shaky, "I mean, do I really want to ruin my image of you by finding out the lies you have told me?"

"Salem, please, come in and we will sit down and talk about it," Chris begged. I bit my lip, looking forward still at the wall of the garage, then I got out of the car. We walked in and Chris pulled down a wine glass for me and poured a rather large glass. He slid it to me saying, "you're going to wat this". What does that mean? Chris sat next to me at the bar, not making eye contact due to a guilty conscious. His hands remained folded on the countertop in front him, the same one he had fucked me on many times in the past several weeks. "I should have told you, but I didn't know that you and Marlene would have been alone at all, let alone that she'd open her mouth," how did he know, "the moment you came back to the table I could tell something had been said. You have to understand, I was in a low point. I mean, I had just lost my wife-"

"Chris, what did you do?"

"I had an affair with her behind Jim's back. She swore they were separated and getting a divorce! I found out it was all lies when Jim showed up to a convention with her on his arm. I thought it was just for looks at first, but then he started talking about the new house and the trips. I was stupid, but not stupid enough to not know that they were in fact not divorcing or even separated. Salem, I am so sorry, I should have said something sooner, I shouldn't have lied to you-"

"Did you fuck her?"


"Did you fuck her?" Chris sighed again, and gripped my hand. I ripped it away.

"Yes, I did. Salem, it was a mistake! A lapse in judgement!"

"A lapse in judgement!? You fucked a married woman and call it a lapse in judgement!?"

"Salem, please! I was lonely, I was so fucking lonely!"

"Then you lie to me about it!" I stood up and grabbed my purse and keys, not wanting to even see him. The sight of him disgusted me at this very moment

"Salem, please don't go-"

"Don't fucking talk to me," I walked out the front door and he chased after me.

"Don't do this, Salem, please, don't do this. I need you."

"Is that a lie, too? How many lies have you told me?" I stood on his porch, tears forming in my eyes.

"I never once lied to you about my feelings for you, and you know damn well I never did! Every word I have said is true. Salem, I love you, I love you so much, don't do this to me, don't walk away," Chris let the tears fall down his face, and I swallowed the lemon sized lump in my throat. Fuck, he makes walking away so hard. "I'll do anything to keep you! I'd kill for you, I'd die for you. Do you want to get married? We will get married right fucking now! Tonight, I know connections!" He was a mad man! How did this turn into marriage, and after only being together for a few months? He was blubbering, begging mess. He gripped onto my hands and held them tight. "Salem, stay, please, just stay. Move in with me, marry me, stay at my side. I am begging you."

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