Chapter Sixteen - Surprise! Its a Sex Room!

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Half way through the day I had finished up what I needed to get done and already taken care of my memorial service, so I had a bit of down time and was relieved when I noticed Ben had left to go on a house call. The atmosphere since this morning was rather thick with intensity and hatred, maybe a hint of embarrassment as well. Chris had been busy meeting with multiple people, but it wasn't families. He said it was all business related. As I sat there at my cubicle sketching up a few things, I began to think about what Chris had said while he was teasing me in his office. "I have a surprise for you when you get home". What could that even mean? I bit down on my lip as I thought about the possibilities. Some sweet, mostly kinky. Okay, all of them were kinky. I just know that man has a darker side to him in the bedroom.

"Ms. Alastair? You better stop biting that lip." Chris voice boomed through my ears, causing me to jump slightly. When I looked up at him he looked rather amused with himself. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing his intricate tattoos on each arm. Fuck, I'd let him take me right here in my cubicle if the others weren't in the office area right now. "What are you thinking about?" God, was he reading my mind?

"N-nothing," I stuttered out as I blushed, "just nothing." I felt like I was more of saying it to talk myself into believing it. I mean, how inappropriate? To be thinking of him in that way as I sat at my desk.

"Are you sure it was nothing?" He said lowly. Chris truly made me breathless, and he looked especially handsome today. It was driving me wild and I was getting annoyed by not being able to have him.

"Did you need something or did you just want to bug me?" I snapped at him. His eyes went wide and he stepped back, then walked out. Fuck, I upset him. Moments later my desk phone rang. Chris' line was illuminated red. I sighed and picked it up.

"Chris, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Go home and follow every instruction that I text you. Your attitude has been intolerable today." Oh? Chris hung up the phone and I grabbed my stuff, confused. I said bye to Veronica and headed out the door. The moment I got inside Chris' house my text tone went off.

Chris<3: Follow these instructions exactly, or there will be more punishment in store ;)
•Change into your red lace lingerie
•Head towards my room, but go left down the hall instead. The house key will unlock the door.
•Get on your knees in front of the door, spread your legs.
•Wait for me to get there, I will be there in ten minutes.

Wow, he was into some deeper stuff. I didn't have a problem with it though, I already knew he cared more about my wellbeing than his pleasure. I went up stairs and took off my clothes, then slipped on the lingerie. I didn't even know how he knew I had this, he had never given me the chance to put it on. I shrugged and walked down the hall to the locked door. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what was behind the door, then I opened it. The lights automatically came on, and I looked around, taking it all in. Cuffs, restraints, leather furniture, but the one thing that stood out was the red X hanging on the wall that had leather restraints on it on all four ends. Imagining him using it on me already made me wet, but I knew he'd be rather upset if he came in and I was getting started without him. So I took my position right in front of the door, and right in time. The moment Chris walked in he smirked, pleased that I was waiting for him. He took off his tie and hung it on a hook by the door, then crouched down to my level, his arms resting on his knees and his hands falling loosely between his legs.

"A few things before we begin," he started softly, "one, if you start to feel uncomfortable please stop me. I don't want you to hurt, I want you to be pleasured. Two, while yes, I will tease you and it may be aggravating, I promise I will eventually let you cum. Lastly, while we are in here you will call me 'Sir' or 'Master', whichever you prefer. Another thing before we start,"

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