Chapter Fifteen - What, From the Bottom of My Heart, The Fuck?

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I struggled to get out of bed the next morning, really not looking forward to having to put up with whatever bullshit Ben was going to put me through. Plus, Chris' bed was so ridiculously comfortable. He had already gotten up and began to get ready for his day. I admired from the comfort of the large black duvet as he pulled on his suit jacket in the mirror over his slender body. He smirked when he noticed.

"Do you see something you like, Ms. Alastair?" He asked in a low husky voice. I bit my lip and shrugged as a small blush came across my face. Chris made his way across the room to where I was laying on the bed, then took a seat on the edge. "How is it that even when your hair is a tangled mess from last night and your makeup is smeared all over my black pillowcases that you are still the most desirable thing?"

"Oh, I'm desirable?" I asked with a smirk. He kissed my forehead, then stood up.

"I'd dive right into you right now, but I've got a few meetings this morning I don't want to be late for." Curse those damned meetings! He gave me one last kiss, then slid his wallet into the inside breast pocket of his jacket. "I'll see you in a couple hours, I love you." There it was again. I love you. Did he even realize he was saying it? Before I could say it back he was heading out the door. A few minutes after he left I decided it was time to get myself ready, so I dragged myself out of the bed and over to the closet where he had already placed a few work outfits in there for me. All dresses and skirts. I pulled on the black pencil skirt and then grabbed a black sweater to tuck into it. It was rather cold out so I grabbed a pair of tights and put on my black ankle boots. I added my red lipstick as a finishing touch to my makeup and rushed out the door.
I pulled up next to Chris' BMW and took a deep breath before heading into the funeral home.

"Good morning, Miss Salem." Ben actually greeted me this morning. I was shocked, but I knew it was only because of my relationship with Chris.

"Good morning, Ben. Any calls last night?" I asked. He scoffed.

"You should know, you were after all sleeping with the man on call." I was confused by his comment, and a little offended, then looked at the schedule. Chris was the one on call. "Course, he's the owner, he probably just passed everything off onto the mortuary company. God forbid he leaves his slut alone." I processed his comment, then slammed my purse down.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I exclaimed. He turned and looked at me.

"I just don't have respect for people who fuck their way up to the top. I'll respect you in front of Chris, but you are nothing more than scum, a whore." I had never been treated so harshly before. I wasn't even sure what to do, so I grabbed my things and walked out of the office area. Was I really just his personal whore? It was a reoccurring thought, the thought that he only wanted me for a quick fuck, that eventually he'd get sick of me like all people do. Chris had just walked one of his meetings out, and I blew past him in the hallway, not even stopping to tell him what had happened.

"Salem!" He shouted after me as he ran out the door. "Salem! Stop!" Chris finally caught up to me in the parking lot and grabbed my arm. I turned to face him, tears streaming down my face. "What happened? Tell me what happened, what do I need to do?"

"Do you actually mean it when you say you love me?"

"Salem, what are you talking about? Of course I do! I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

"I'm not just a slut to you?"

"Salem, what's with the questions? What happened-did Ben say something?" I remained silent, and his face grew red as he turned and started briskly walking towards the door of the funeral home.

"Chris, it's not a big deal!" I shouted after him. He turned to face me, his face redder than before.

"Not a big deal? Not a big- Salem he upset you! He's done! I'm done tolerating him treating you horribly! It's unjustified!" Chris turned and headed back into the funeral home, but I stopped him again.

"Chris, if you say anything it will make it worse. Let me deal with it." I had decided I need a back bone, I needed to tell Ben how it would be. I pushed past Chris and walked back into the office. Ben turned to face me the moment I sat down in my cubicle.

"Did you have to go suck him off real fast to ensure that you'd get a raise?" Were we in fucking high school? I mean, what the fuck?

"Ben, if you have a fucking problem with me that's fucking fine. I couldn't care less what you think about me. I take care of my families, I'm one hell of an embalmer, and yeah, I'm fucking our boss, but you know what? I need some god damn respect from you. You don't have to like me, but you need to fucking respect me. If you don't want to do that you can pack up your desk and get the fuck out." It wasn't until I looked up that I noticed everyone, including Chris, were standing in the office watching the commotion. Ben looked over at Chris with wide eyes.

"You can't fucking demand that! You're just sleeping with him, you're not married, you're not the manager, you are nothing!" Chris was about to step in but I gave him a look that practically said 'step off'. I got in Bens face and pressed my finger against his chest.

"Don't fucking test me again." Ben gulped at my threat, and I walked past him. "Chris, your office, now."

"Y-yes, ma'am." My demanding demeanor had taken Chris off guard, and I kind of liked it. When we got into his office he shut and locked the door, then pinned me against the wall. His eyes were filled with lust and an insatiable hunger. "Don't ever demand me to do anything again."

"And what will you do about it?" My tone was low and sultry. Chris grinned then ran his hand up my thigh under my skirt, then forced my legs to spread slightly. His hand slipped into my panties and he began to play with me as he bit down on my neck.

"When we get home you're in for it, Ms. Alastair. I'm going to fucking destroy you."

"Is that a promise?" I asked with a grin. He spanked me with his free hand, then gripped my ass.

"It's one hell of a promise. I have a surprise in store for you when you get home." Another surprise?

'Til Death - Chris Motionless Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now