scene 10

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

I felt a hand on my cheek and forehead brushing the hair out of my face and I leaned into the touch, thinking it was Jimin. The hands felt different as they graze the skin of my cheek. They felt cold and rough.

"Jiminie...wanna sleep more" I whispered moving to grab the hand as I kept my eyes closed "Miss you" I murmured.

I heard an unfamiliar chuckle, then a voice "You're cute like this" I heard it snapped me out of a sleepy haze and my eyes opened seeing the man who bought me here.

I let out a gasp and quickly sit up and away from him, holding my knees. He just laughed, sitting back on his hands as he sat arm's length away from me. Kinn was dressed nicely in a grey suit with a white dress shirt while sitting back on his hands, a smirk on his face.

"Where the hell have you been? Why did you lock me in this room?" I asked I feel him touch my ankle and my body tensed up.

"I don't trust you yet darling, can't have you wondering around my home you have to earn that," he said letting me go and stood up walking around the small room his two guards standing by the door "This will be your room from now on. You will be only allowed to leave when you have my permission and no matter how much you bang on the door no one will let you out" he spoke

I didn't answer just sat there holding my knees as he continued to speak hands in his pocket "We can talk more about the rules and regulations during breakfast so get clean and dressed and I'll see you downstairs in 15 minutes" he hummed

"I don't want breakfast or a shower just go away" I whispered he let out a dark chuckle and then stepped in front of me and smacked the shit out of me causing me to fall off the bed.

I let out a loud cry at the sting of the slap to my face.

I have never been hit before...

He kneels and grabbed my chin making me look at him I had tears in my eyes and my cheeks hurt and were red "Rule number one: you will do whatever I say no matter what it is you will fucking do it" he hissed "Do you understand? Or do you need more help to understand the situation you are in?" He asked and I nodded wiping my eyes. He let my chin go and looked at my cheek "It shouldn't leave a mark but I'll get you some ice at breakfast. Now be a good boy get yourself cleaned up and meet me downstairs" he spoke then stood up he raised an eyebrow at me.

I quickly stood to my feet nodding "Y-Yes sir" I whispered as he patted my shoulder.

"You're learning" he hummed and walked out of the room one of his guards followed him the other stayed.

"Come on the bathroom is this way and take this it has some clothes," he said I nodded and slowly walked out of the room grabbing the bag he was holding out to me. He lead me to a bathroom and with a glance at the house I got I can say it was huge. The bathroom is fairly nice had a huge shower and I somewhat really wanted to take a nice hot shower.

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