scene 18

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Yoongi POV  (Attempted Rape/Non-Con)

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Yoongi POV  (Attempted Rape/Non-Con)

I think it might be around April or maybe the beginning of May because it's kinda warm outside. I don't have a calendar or a phone nothing to check what day it is or what month it is to be exact.

I just know based on how it's been raining for the last four days because Kinn has been making me stand outside in the rain holding a bucket until it's full to the top...

It takes all day based on how hard it's raining outside and maybe I come inside around 2 am sopping wet. Sometimes the rain stops at night and he makes me stay out there until he sends the guards to come get me.

After I fill the bucket after 6 hours in the cold rain I finally make it to my room, peeling off the wet clothes I'm wearing and dropping them in the sink. I quickly change into some sweatpants and a grey sweater. I'm feeling exhausted after standing so long in the rain my whole body is sore, my legs ache and my throat hurts a little. I plop down on the hard bed and pull the covers over myself.

Then I quickly fall asleep from just pure exhaustion

The sun is lighting up the room with its warm and fuzzy rays of shine, casting an orange glow over the room. I see dust particles dancing through the air.

The first thing I hear is soft hums to a familiar tune it feels the room and calms my heart. I feel so warm and cozy at the moment listening to the person hum and the warm atmosphere.

I feel around myself realizing I'm in a bed with pure white sheets in an all-yellow room with a huge windowsill.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when clouds are grey" I heard and I immediately recognized the voice I turn to my left and I finally see him.

My heart jumps in my chest at the sight it's like seeing an angel sent down just for me to save me from my nightmares.

My heart jumps in my chest at the sight it's like seeing an angel sent down just for me to save me from my nightmares

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"Jimin, My love? Is that really you?" I asked and he smiled at me and then moved closer to me poking my nose.

"Of course, it's really me" he replied and I immediately move to cup his face but he grabbed my hands lacing our fingers. I tried to feel his warmth but it wasn't there it felt cold.

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