scene 14

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Yoongi POV   (Attempted Rape/Non-Con)

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Yoongi POV   (Attempted Rape/Non-Con)

I was sitting by the window again it was raining today but it was a sun shower. I watched the raindrops drip onto the leaves and window glass I see birds in the birdbath in the distance. As I raced the raindrops from the top of the window to the bottom it was a fun little game.

I was humming along to our song the one Jimin sang to me the one we danced to at our wedding.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" I hummed to myself putting my hand to the window and feeling the cold against my palm.

"You make me happy when skies are grey" I whispered humming the tune.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you" I sang softly closing my eyes and listening to the rain hitting the window.

"Please don't take my sunshine away" I sniffled at the end of the song.

I rest my head on the windowsill while I sat on the floor listening to the rain. My bottom still hurts from yesterday but I'm glad my face isn't swollen anymore.

I felt peace at that moment because he was in my brain and the sound of the rain was calming. I remembered our wedding his smile the way he looked in his tux and when we danced to our song he held me close and kissed my temple.

I smiled to myself as I pictured Jimin in our house with his yellow slippers on his blonde hair all messy from sleep and him laughing happily.

The moment was quickly broken when my room door was aggressively opened up as Kinn walked in alone this time, not with any of his men. It surprised me to see him I thought I wouldn't see him for a while like last time.

"Hello darling" He smiled at me

I just slowly stood to my feet clasping my hands behind my back as he walked to my small closet and opened it up where all the new clothes are hung up.

"Hi Sir," I said as I watched him move clothes around "Didn't think I would see you today but I'm glad you graced me with your present," I said hoping my sarcasm wasn't obvious.

He eventually found what he was looking for and walked over to me and gave me some clothes "Aren't you acting sweet" he said with a wink "Get dressed darling we are going somewhere very important" he said standing in front of me.

I glanced at the clothes he gave me and I sighed "It's raining outside" I said gesturing towards the window.

"Very observant of you sweetheart but still get dressed," he said then surveyed my face "Oh! Almost forgot I got you some makeup I'm sure you know how to use it" he added handing me a small brown bag "Good boy" he whispered then cupped my face and smiled at me "You have 25 minutes" he murmured then let go of my face and closed the door.

I let out a sigh I was holding in when the door closed it didn't even lock this time but I knew a guard was right outside. I looked at the clothes and rolled my eyes at the lavish ugly clothes he wants me to wear and I'm scared to even think about where he is taking me.

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