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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

"Please sit Mr. Min the doctor will be in shortly to discuss everything do you two want any water? Or juice? We have sparkling as well" The nice nurse asked as she lead us into an office.

"We're fine thank you," I said as we both sat down on the blue chair in front of the doctor's desk.

"Alright Doctor Lee will be in soon" she smiled doing a small bow and closed the door and I let out a breath.

"My god I'm so nervous this is the start of our new lives like everything depends on this doctor liking us because this is the best clinic in Busan I watched so many videos and read some books I even read a blog about surrogates and eggs donors and starting a family this way" I huffed rubbing my hands on my pants because I felt like I was sweating bullets

"Everything is gonna be fine she just wanted to meet us and talk," he said I nodded as a soft knock was on the door then a small doctor walked in it was an older woman probably my mother's age she had her hair up in a tight ponytail wear a purple blouse and a lab coat.

"Hello to the Min's" she smiled she was holding a bunch of folders and sat down at her desk "Nice to meet both of you I'm Doctor Lee" she smiled laying her hands on the desk.

"Yes nice to meet you," I said doing a small bow "I'm Yoongi and this is my Husband Jimin," I said

Jimin did a bow and flashed that signature smile at the doctor "Nice meet you" he said she smiled back

"Well let's get started" she hummed clicking her pen and opening the folder "Well I know you are using Mr. Min's sperm so we are gonna go ahead a get a small sample from him today to run the test we also need a blood sample as well," she said

"Of course, I can do that" Jimin hummed

"Great! Nothing big today we will have a small discussion about surrogacy like if you two want to use donated eggs or use the surrogate's eggs we will also discuss some legal aspects of everything and sign some paperwork" she said

"We wanted to use donor eggs because I read if we use the surrogate's eggs she could have some kind of parental rights to the child," I said she nodded writing something down.

"Yes that's great and that is true, so yes we will be using donor eggs" she replied we both nodded "Okay after everything is signed and finalized you two can begin looking through our database online or we can provide some files for you two to look through right now if you want" she spoke I felt my heart beat pick up.

"Really?" I said she nodded I looked at Jimin and he grabbed my hand "It's starting Jiminie our family" I whispered he leaned his forehead on mine.

"We gonna make a little Min" he whispered it made me chuckle then we looked back at the doctor she was smiling brightly.

"You two will be amazing fathers" she spoke I sniffled and nodded "Let's begin" she added.


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