How Mia ended up in hawkins lab

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October 31, 1981

The Lily and James were in their living room playing with Daisy and Harry when Daisy yawned "Aww is my little bambi tired" asked James potter cooing at his daughter

"James lets put them to bed"

"okay lily flower"

James picked up Daisy as she snuggled into his chest and Lily picked up harry.

Just as they reached the top of the stairs they felt a shift in the wards. James Quickly passed Daisy to Lily.

"Take Harry and Daisy and go" James rushed out kissing his kids on the head and telling lilly he loves her before running down the stairs.


Voldemort burst open the door "Step a side you foolish blood traitor"

"No if you want my children your gonna have to go through me" James said

"Suit yourself" Was all voldemort said befire they began throwing spells at eachother. "Stupify" Voldemort said lazily throwing James into the wall knocking him unconscious.


Lily hurridly put her children into the crib knowing she didnt have enough time.

"Stay strong Daisy, Harry. Momma loves you Dadda loves you"

BANG. The door flew of its hinges and lily lifted her arms to protect her head before looking up to come face to face to Voldemort.

Lily scrambled to the front of her childrens kids

“Not Them, not My children, please not Them!” Lily begged

"Stand aside you silly girl … stand aside now.” Voldemort warned

"Have mercy..." Lily begged softly not daring to move.

"stupefy" Voldemort said knocking as Lily screamed flying into the wall

Voldemort walked towards the crib before lifting his wand "Avada Kedavra" He said his voice barely above a whisper.

The curse hit Harrys head before rebounding and hitting voldemort hitting the wall and bouncing back heading for Daisy 'Pop' Daisy potter had accidentaly apparated appearing infront of Hawkins Lab.

Back at the potters

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin had just arived "James, Lily" Sirius called out finding it wierd that it was so quite. There was a groan. They shared a look before rushing in to see James Potter Rubbing his head.

They quickly rushed over "Whats wrong? what happened?"

James took a moment to gaver his thoughts togever before his eyes widened and he scrambled to get up before mumbling "Voldemort" both Remus and Sirius heard there eyes going wide sharing a look before rushing upstairs.

There they saw a unconcious Lily, James rushed over shaking her awake.

"James" Lily muttered "The kids"

"Sirius is checking on them now are you okay?" James asked worried

"Yeah" Lily said hand held to her head as it throbbed slightly.

"Guys " Sirius said slight alarm to his voice catching everyones attention as they rushed over.

They wondered what was wrong and began to thing the worse of what he saw. As they got to the crib they gasped there was not two babies but one.

Daisy potter was Missing.

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