Chapter 10

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GAUNT residence

"Hello what your name." a head of blonde hair flashed across the screen

"Seven" a young voice rang out

"We'll get out, I promise"
"you promise?" Two fingers doing the pinky promise were shown

BANG a door slammed and the screen went dark before  horrified screams were heard before it once again went silent

people flinched as the door slammed open

"Papa" a voice rang out into the void before a light flickered.

"You were made to be strong seven" A young girl with a buzz cut was shown with her eyes closed and a can infront of her before it crashed with a blanket of blue wisps wrapped around it.

"Where are they" the same voice from the scene before rang out.
"Dead" came a whisper as the screen flashed between the scene of a massacre and darkness and alarms went off

The first and second years cowered into the older years arms but even then they were scared everyone was.

"What did you do?" a voice demanded before a bang rang out and the screen flashed white before a body shot up panting and gasping for air as their hair stuck to their face before they turnt the lamp on.

Everyone breathed sighs of relief as they saw it was mia but many people were worried 'What was that'

Mia flopped back down onto the bed and closed her eyes before letting out a shaky breathe.

"Hey, you okay? i heard you scream" Ryan said rushing into the room.

"I'm fine, it was just... just a nightmare." Mia said softly only just realising Ryan wasn't next to her "What time is it?" She added

"6:30" ryan shrugged

"Oh, Wait are you in a towel." Mia said a small laugh leaving her lips having just realised that Ryan had nothing but a towel wrapped around him.

Ryan blushed and let out a cough scratching the back of his head slightly nervous "Um, I was in the shower when I heard you scream." He admitted before scrambling to grab the clothes he accidentaly knocked over when he ran into the room.

Mia let out a laugh "Hey, don't dress on my account I'm quite enjoying the show actually." She winked with a smirk as she eyed him causing him to cough to hide how flustered he was.

Many people girls and boys alike agreed with mia whereas Ryan Blushing slightly in his seat embarrassed.

mia kissed him on the jaw once "don't worry you have NOTHING to be embarrassed about" she said putting a emphasis on 'nothing' as she glared at a few of the people who glanced over at him clearly jealous.

"Shut up." He muttered before hurrying back to the bathroom and getting changed whilst Mia let out a chuckle and stretched before getting off her bed and grabbing a set of clothes to take into the shower with her for school.

As ryan slid out of the bathroom mia slid in the room and locked the door standing there for a minute before moving to standing infront of the sink and running the water so that she could splash her face with it after she splashed her face she gripped the side of the sink and took a few breathes the last one coming out shaky before she looked up to see her eyes glowing blue.


Just a small chapter whilst I rewatch the second episode of stranger things because I forgot what else happens in it :) x

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