Chapter 8

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The screen showed the wheeler house as rain fell, thunder striked and lightning flashed.

The girl with the buzz cut and a yellow shirt, whose name was eleven now had a beige like jacket over her shoulders as she was sat on the couch breathing heavily.

"MICHAEL WHEELER!" Mrs wheeler yelled "You bought a girl into our house without telling me" She said in disbelief at her sons actions and also now beginning to put a few pieces togever like when those people were looking for that girl saying that mike knew her.

"What was I supposed to do." Mike exclaimed trying to defend himself causing Karen to sigh

"I dont know, tell me."

"And get in trouble, no thanks." Mike exclaimed hurriedly causing Karen to sigh and let it go... for now.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asked the girl causing her to look over to him and just stare not answering.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin asked curiously

"Did you run away?" Lucas asked

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike continued to ask although eleven wasn't answering.

" is that blood?" Lucas asked as he went to touch it causing Mike to slap his hand away.

"Stop it! You're freaking her out!" Mike commanded Lucas

"She's freaking me out." Lucas countered

"I bet she's deaf" Dustin exclaimed before clapping his hands in front of elevens face causing her to flinch

This caused many people in the great hall to feel pity for the poor girl seeing as it was clear something traumatic had happened to her.

Sirius couldn't help but think that this may not be much different to his situation when he was 16 other then the fact he had somewhere to go this girl didn't.

"Not deaf" Dustin said sheepishly

"Alright thats enough, alright? She's just scared and cold." Mike explained before going to the laundry basket to find eleven some clothes.

Thunder striked louder causing eleven to flinch and close her eyes.

"Here, these are clean, okay?" Mike said coming back over and offering eleven some clothes which she took cautiously before taking her jacket off standing up and reaching down to the hem of her shirt that was long enough to be a dress.

This caused many of the people in the halls eyes to widen whereas the purebloods sneer in discusst and Jane to blush in embarrassment knowing now that it was wrong to do that.

"No, no, no!" Mike said hurridly as he grabbed her arm to stop her as Dustin and lucas let out shouts of suprised.

"Oh. my god. Oh, my god, oh my god." Dustin kept on exclaiming as he looked away quickly

"See over there?" Mike said pointing to a door "T-Thats the bathroom." He stammered "Privacy. Get it?" He asked causing her to look at the door then at mike before turning around and grabbing the pile of clothes and walking over there.

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