Vanishing of will byers part 2

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The great hall was silent before they all looked over to the byers boy in pity qhich he just ignored shifting uncomfortably in his seat as Joyce held him close and Johnathan moved the slightest bit closer.

The screen changed from black to showing a drawing of a house with two kid next to it and the new playing in the backround as the screen obserbed its surrounding until it stopped on a snooring man on the couch by the name of Jim hopper.

Mia turned to hopper and teased with a smirk "Having a nice nap there are we hop" Hopper just grunted in reply as the rest of the hawkins gang laughed and Joyce tried to hide her laugh with a cough.

As hopper began to wake up he groaned tiredly as he checked his watch to see the time.

The scene changed to Hopper wih a cigarette in his mouth and looking over his balcany to the pond he wemt back inside and began to gwt ready showering,shaving brushing his teeth and hair and putting deodrant on and getting ready to go to the police station.

Byers household
"Where the hell are they?" Joyce sighed looking for her keys "Jonathan?" Joyce byers called out to her eldest son to see if he had seen them.

"Check the couch" Jonathan called back as he cooked breakfast

"Ugh, I did" Joyce said getting annoyed with not being able to find them as she moved pillows and covers on the couch to search for them "Oh... Got them" She practically sang having finally found them.

she Walked over to the kitchen grabbing her bag. "Okay, sweetie, I will see you tonight." She said as she patted Johnathans shoulder.

"Yeah, see you later" He responded still focusing on breakfast.

Joyce paused for a second as if remembering something "Where's will?" she asked Turing towards Jonathan.

"Oh I didn't get him up yet. he's probably still sleeping"

Joyce sighed "Jonathan, you have to make sure he's up!"

"Mom, I'm making breakfast"

"I told you this a thousand times." Joyce Muttered walking off towards wills room to wake him up. "Will! Come on, honey. It's time to get up." Joyce said walking into Wills room only to find it empty. She looked around xonfused before making her way back to the kitchen. "He came home last night, right?" She asked Jonathan with slight eregency as he pit the breakfast on the plate.

"He's not in his room?" Jonathan asked slightly confused and concerned.

"Did he come home or not?"

"I don't Know." Jonathan stuttered slightly guilty as he placed the plates on the table.

"You don't know" Joyce repeated

"No. I- I- I got home late. I was working" He stuttered.

"You were working?" Joyce repeated exasperated.

"Eric asked if I could cover. I said yeah. I thought we could use the extra cash"

"Johnathan, we've talked about this."

"I know, I know"

"You can't take shifts when I'm working."

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