The letter

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It was august 25th 1996 13 years after the twin of harry potter daisy potter had supposedly died. It was not as loud in the great hall as it usually was as harry potter was quite quiet today Morning the lose of the sister he could of had as Layla stays blissfully unaware of the fact she even had a sister yet alone one everyone believed to be dead.

it was on that faithful night of halloween that the dark lord came stunning the oldest potters and attempting to kill the young potter twins causing one to disappear that night believed to be dead.

Little did they know today they would be finding out the truth of everything.

Potter manor

James, lily, remus and sirius were in a empty room that no one goes in, a room that once belonged to Daisy potter.

Lilly was crying holding onto a picture of her, her daughter, harry and her husband.
however James was staring at the wall sadly wondering what it could of been like if his eldest daughter was here. Meanwhile sirius and remus were thinking about the times Daisy first said there names and remencing in the times they spent with their god-daughter.

James broke the earshattering silence "Do you think she could be alive?" He asked his shoulder slumped in defeat his voice cracking slightly and the hope he had for his daughter being alive deminishing more and more each year as he asked the same question.

"I dont know prongs i truly dont" was lily's soft voice rang across the room

As Remus opened his mouth to comfort his friends a flash blinded everyone in the room as it floated down landing ontop of james' lap.

As James read the letter mixed emotions flashed across his face. Hope. shock and finally anger.

Sirius spoke up after a moment asking the question on everyones mind "what does it say mate" James says nothing only passing the not to sirius


Dear Mr and Mrs potter,

I am writing this letter to inform you that your daughter faisy is alive and she did not die that night on halloween.

If you would go to the great hall in hogwarts i shall allow you to not only meet her but you will also be watching your daughter life.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledoore


To say they were shock would be and under statement but even behind that shock they were slightly hopefull.

"What if its just anither prank"  James asked degectively after all it wouldn't be the first time someone did a cruel joke like think

"What if its not?" Lily asked slightly worried

"Well i guess we'll find out" was Sirius' Mischievious reply

"Besides if its a prank we could alway kill the person we are the marauders im sure we could get away with murder." Sirius Joked trying to lighten the mood and it worked as everyone else let out a slight chuckle just before they appeared infront of the great hall with a bunch of others.

Great Hall

They were all eating as harry's had decided it would be easier to stop acting weird as his sister may begin to figure things out after all layla was a Ravenclaw.

Suddenly there was a bang as the doors to the great hall slammed open and the malfoys, Lucius and narcissa, the lestranges, bellatrix and rabastion, the Tonks, Admadora, Ted and Nymphadora, the potters. James and Lily, The weasleys, Molly Arthur, Billy, charley, Percy,the twins Fred and George and the lupin-Blacks, Sirius and Remus along with sirius' brother regulus the auroras Amelia Bones, Madeye moody and cornelius fudge

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