Part 17: Bound pt2

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Amaru found TJ in the leaving room after reading the kids their bedtime stories and said goodnight. They'd been very excited when he'd gotten home earlier, filling his ears with all sorts of stories about their day.

"You're not going to your grandpa's party?" He asked TJ who was absentmindedly flipping through tv stations.

"I am, waiting for Qani to come get me."

Amaru sat down next to him and snatched the remote, turning off the tv. "You're making me dizzy. Why you not driving yourself?"

TJ shrugged, "He needed to use picking me up as an excuse not to pick Naomi from her parents, I guess he don't want her to come with."

"Why? Your brother is dumb I'm sorry, he's confused as fuck."

"He knows he's dumb, he has made peace with it."

Amaru chuckled, then turned to look at TJ. "Did you eat? Why you got an attitude?"

"I don't have an attitude, I'm just sleepy. And no I didn't eat yet, I'll eat when I get there."

He had an attitude, but okay. Amaru decided.

Soon after Qani text and said he was outside. On his way out TJ paused and turned to Amaru, he had a question that was burning a hole in his head. "Did you meet someone? You smell different."



>>>••Two Months Ago••<<<

Amaru could easily say this was one of the best days he'd had in as long as he could remember career wise. His smart thinking had helped his bosses land a big contract and they'd in turn rewarded him handsomely.

So he's bought the kids some new toys and clothes, and bought his mom a bunch of groceries and gave her some money. Then he took his best friend's TJ and Nakim out to celebrate. All in all it was a good day.

Understandably he was exhausted by the time he got home, and fell right to sleep. Nakim slept on the couch while TJ took the guest bedroom, because they were all drunk and couldn't drive themselves home. Amaru hadn't even make it to his bed, he'd fallen asleep in the sofa that was mounted in his bedroom.

It felt like Dejavu when it happened. When Amaru opened his eyes to see TJ climbing ontop of him it felt like years ago in college. The difference was that this time TJ didn't come in here to sleep, he found Amaru's lips with his immediately and started kissing him intensely.

Amaru groaned, pulling him in and kissing back with twice as much much passion.

He pulled away after a while, "TJ wait wait, what are we doing? We're drunk."

"I'm tipsy not drunk, I know what I'm doing. Are you drunk?"

Amaru shook his head no, he'd slept most of the alcohol off already. "But..."

"Don't...don't question it right now."

For three years now, since the last time this happened nothing really intimate had happened between them. Yes they've both been single since then, yes there was the occasional awkwardness and possessiveness here and there but that was it. They hooked up with other people and stayed best friends, so Amaru wasn't sure what was happening right now, but it felt too good to stop so he didn't.
Instead he grabbed TJ and plunged his tongue back into his mouth.

He tasted of mint and mouthwash combined, and his hair tickled Amaru as the thick locs cascaded down the side of his face. He felt amazing. Was that because this had come at him out of the blue? Or was it novelty value because TJ was the last person in the world he could imagine responding with such easy passion? My God, he was sexy as fuck.

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