The Pond of Restoration

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We galloped across the fields along our borders. We were in sync. I glanced over and saw him smile. I couldn't help but smile a little myself. Suddenly, I stopped at some brush along the edge of the forest.

"I have something to show you." I said as we dismounted. "We can walk from here." I take Aeniar's saddle and bridle off and let him graze along the woods. "Where are we going?" he asks, curious as to where I was leading him.

"Have you heard of the Pond of Restoration? Every Elven territory has one. It just takes a sharp eye to notice. They are hidden for a reason, as they possess a rare form of magic." I say walking towards the entrance. "There is? I have never found one in my realm before, unless someone has and has failed to inform me." he says with a stern look.

As we are walking, he suddenly opens his arm up and glances over, gesturing me to wrap mine with his. I hesitate, but I gently put my hand on his arm. He feels incredibly strong. The material of his clothes feels so soft. I move a few willow branches and there is the pond. The crystal clear water glistens on the trees surrounding it.

"The Pond of Restoration can ease almost any injury, and numb almost any pain, may it be physical or emotional. It's known to calm you as well if you are stressed or worried. It does not take away the pain fully, for magical elements always have some limits."I explain.

"How does it work?" he asks curiously.

"I shall show you. May I?" I asked. "You may." he said with a small smile. He sits next to me. I slightly lifted up my gown, slightly revealing one of my most kept secrets.

"Oh my, what happened to your leg?" he says shockingly.

"During the war, the exact war that my mother was taken, I rode away as I was commanded, but not before I was slashed with an Orc blade across my leg. The pain hit deep into my skin. I rode until I reached Lórien, where my father stayed to protect the realm. He and Lady Galadriel tried healing my wound but it was too deep to heal completely. I use herbs to numb it sometimes but I come here when the pain gets too great." I say cautiously as not many know about it. I did not want him to view me as weak.

"You were in the war at Gundabad?" he says surprisingly. "Yes." I reply.

"Are you in pain now? May I see?" he asks while slightly reaching over to touch my leg.

I quickly pull my leg away. My eyes widen out of fear, for I do not let anyone but my father or Lord Elrond assist me with my injury.

"If that is alright with you, Lagoreth. I do not want you to feel you have to because I am a King. I am not commanding you." he says reassuringly.

I decide to let him near it, so I slowly move my leg back to him. I take up the rest of my gown, revealing the full extent of my injury. The injury takes up the majority of the side of my leg.

I feel as if in some way, I can trust him. His hands are strong, but are so soft and gentle as he runs his fingers along my leg. My heart starts pounding at his touch. "A little, but it at times becomes very painful. It is difficult at times, but I endure." I say.

I sit next to the pond and dip my leg in. The water is cool and refreshing. The healing magic pulsates through my muscles, relaxing my leg. I breathe a sigh, letting the magic take over. He is staring at me again, but his eyes and face have gone even softer. He seems very comfortable with me. "Let us head back, shall we?" I ask. "Right." he says.

We walk back up to the edge of the forest. The elk is in the field grazing, where Aeniar is nowhere to be seen.

"Perhaps he went back to Imladris?" King Thranduil says, looking through the fields for any sign of him.

"No. He is close. Watch." I say reassuringly. I whistle for him. He appears over a hill among the field, galloping towards me. He slows his pace and walks up to me. "There you are." I say sweetly, hugging his neck. He returns the favor and wraps his neck over my shoulder.

"How did you do that?" he asks. "When you have a strong bond with an animal, you become one. You move as one, you fight as one. They can hear your call from anywhere." I say. "Aeniar was given to me by my mother and father when I was an elfling and he was a young foal. We grew together and over time, our bond was formed." I say kissing Aeniar's soft nose. I place his saddle on his back and his bridle over his head and we follow the trail back to Imladris.

As we are getting closer to the kingdom, he suddenly stops. "Lagoreth?" he says as he turns to me. "Yes, my King?" I reply. "You are a breath of fresh air, my dear. That took true bravery and a form of trust to tell me of your injury. Thank you for confiding in me. I hope I did not make you uncomfortable." he says sweetly. My heart starts pounding again.

"Of course not, my King. I am enjoying my day with you as well." I reply. He smiles and suddenly reaches over and brushes my cheek with the top of his hand.

My instincts wanted to pull back again, but this time, I accept it. I close my eyes as he is so gentle. I had nearly forgotten what that felt like. I hear him sigh as he pulls his hand back slowly. We reach the stables and dismount and walk back up to the courtyard.

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