The War

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Time flies by quickly. My belly has grown quite large but it's not my time just yet. We have been summoned to Imladris for a council meeting once again. Thranduil and I are riding through the mountains, heavily guarded. "Are you feeling alright, my Princess?" he asks sweetly while looking down to my stomach. "I am fine. I'm just ready for this elfling to arrive soon. This is not an easy task to do." I say laughing.

"I'm curious as to why Lord Elrond has called to us so urgently. It must be something important." I say curiously. We reach the entrance of Imladris. "The kingdom never loses its beauty." I say smiling. "I'm curious if Ada will be here." I say. "I'm sure he will be. Lord Elrond summoned all of the Elven kingdoms, which means their Marchwardens must attend." Thranduil says.

We walk into the kingdom and are immediately greeted by Lindir. He places a hand over his heart. "Welcome back, King and Queen of Mirkwood. The council will be starting soon. Stay close." Lindir says, worried. "Hannon le." we reply.

I notice Calad and Duin walking along the pathway, holding their brand new elfling. "What a beautiful sight this is." I say sweetly.

"Lagoreth! It's so wonderful to see you!" Calad says with a grin. "She is as beautiful as the sun. My congratulations to you both." I say. "I recieved your letters that you are carrying once again. A congratulations are in order for yourself and King Thranduil of course." Duin says. "I thank you." I reply. "Where is Galathel? I did not recall seeing her from my last visit." I ask. "She departed for Valinor recently. She believed it was best, as her family decided to depart as well with this war coming. Lord Elrond requests we sail soon. Will you be joining us?" Calad asks.

"I do not know yet. I have many things to tend to at home, but I am sure we shall soon." I smile. "I must take my leave. I wish you the best and a safe journey to The Grey Havens." I say with a smile as they head to their chambers.

We enter to the grand table and I see Father speaking with Lord Elrond. "There's my sweet Lagoreth." Ada says as he notices me walk in. I hug him tight. "Always good to see you, Father." I say while i'm wrapped in his arms. "How are you feeling?" he says as he places a hand gently on my belly. "Quite uncomfortable, but I know it will pass." I say smiling. Lord Elrond comes to us. "Queen Lagoreth, it is an honor to see you once again. Please join us as the council meeting will begin soon." he says with a worried look.

We take our seats as Lord Elrond speaks. "The One Ring has been found, as has the return of Sauron. The Ring has come into the grasp of a young hobbit by the name of Frodo. He and many others are taking it to be destroyed where it was created; Mount Doom. Thranduil, your son is amongst them." Elrond says looking at Thranduil. I suddenly see Thranduil tense up and his eyes widen. "Legolas.." he whispers as he lowers his head. I gently place my hand on his leg as he softens. "Evil is upon us once again. The time of the elf is ending. Tollen i lu, I chair gwannar la Valannor!" Elrond says sternly.

"My Lord, if I may." Father asks. "You may." Elrond answers as he sits down. Father stands up and walks around the grand table.

" I have been the Marchwarden of Lothlorién for most of this life. I have seen battle after battle, war after war. When man's lines fell, the Eldar were there. When Sauron was slain in the beginning, the Eldar were there. Lord Elrond, you know there was once an alliance between Elves and Men. We should honor that. I am prepared to go to battle again." Father says strongly.

I was shocked as I always was when he was called to battle. "Haldir, you are right. We must help them. Their armies are not big enough to survive. I propose we send guards from every realm and keep a few behind for our own borders. Haldir, you will lead them to Helm's Deep. Help our friends claim this victory." Elrond says bowing to Haldir. The council ends and we are all walking back to our mounts. I feel a tear fall.

"What's the matter, Lagoreth?" Thranduil says worriedly. "I am alright." I say wiping my face. "I have watched my father depart for many battles, and it was always heartbreaking for me, for I always feared he wouldn't return. I just hope he will be back in time for the elfling's birth." I say sadly.

"I intend to return, for I would not miss it." Ada says as he walks up from behind us. "You were the reason I always returned. I knew you would be home waiting for me to hug me tight, just like your mother did, so I fought hard to return to you. You always treated any wounds I had and took great care of me. Only this time, I do not intend to return with wounds." he says laughing while wiping my face. I hug him tightly.

"Gerich veleth nin, Ada." I say as I start to cry again. "I will miss you greatly." I say as he places his hand on my face. He kisses my forehead. "I will be thinking of you, always." he says as he places his hand on my bump. "I shall see you soon as well, little one." he says to my bump. The elfling suddenly kicks hard. "Namárië, Lagoreth." Haldir says I get on Aeniar. "Namárië, Ada." I say as we ride to Mirkwood to prepare our guards.

"When shall we depart for Valinor?" I ask Thranduil. "I believe our time will come once this war ends. We shall depart for the Grey Havens afterwards. For now, we are needed here." Thranduil says sternly. He places a hand on my leg. "Our time will come, Lagoreth, and we will be together in eternity."

Tollen i lu, I chair gwannar la Valannor- The ships are leaving for Valinor

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