Chapter 5

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Jaileigh Amelia Davis

It was the next day, Jai and Ny were in 1st period and Ms. Sampson was still on her bullshit. Jaileigh was getting really annoyed with her.

"CAN YALL SHUT UP", Ms. Sampson yelled at the two kids getting all in Adryan's face.

" umm you can back up a lil bit", Jai spoke up not liking the way Ms. Sampson got all in his face.

"Little girl who are you talking to"

Jaileigh looked around, she was wondering who else she would be talking to.
"Who else.. You all in his face, you need to back up", She spoke up defending her friend.

" get out now", Ms. Sampson yelled. Jaileigh quickly gathered her stuff. Adryan doing the same.

"if yall leave this class, its detention", She tried to make them stop.

" Girl fuck you and that detention. Suck my dick respectfully ", Jaileigh walked out of the class. Nyouri following behind. The entire class erupted in laughter at the scene.

"That bitch be irking the fuck out of me Bro, next time she say some shit, Ia slap the shit out her bald head ass ", Jaileigh said speed walking to her dad's office.

"Bring yo ass back here Jai", Ny said stopping. Jaileigh stopped immediately and turned around.

"What.." She said shyly, walking to him.

"Come here Jaileigh", He opened his arms. Jai walked in to his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, Burying his head near her ear

"You know I dont like when you do all that cussi-


"Don't cut me off Jaileigh.. I don't like when you do all that cussing. Thank you for standing up for me but you got shit going for yourself don't let that dog ass hoe get you upset, and everything you got gets taking away. All because you upset", He said starting to rub gently on her ass. He couldn't help himself. And The way they were nobody could see what he was doing.

"Poodah, stoppp", She blushed.

"My badd Jai", He let go of her, grabbing her hand.

The duo walked to Coach Davis's office, in about five minutes.

"Daddy that bitch is so fucking annoying", Jaileigh complained.

Adryan pinched her and her Dad sighed. She winced in pain. William oblivious to the scene.

"Jaileigh what I tell you bout all that cussing", He said.

"Cole move from behind her like that", They were too close for his liking.

"My bad coach", Adryan moved from behind her.

"So what happened Jai", Her Dad asked. Sitting up in her seat.

"She was picking on me and Nyouri Again, like everyone was talking and was Like 'Can you two Shutup", Just too us and I said you could back up. And she told me to get out, so I left. And poo- Adryan came with me",  She ranted.

"I'll talk to her", The admin wouldn't do anything, now he has to take matters back in to his own hands. He only fucked her so she would leave Nyouri alone.

William thought her pussy was trash but and he didn't get a nut with her

(He is in his 30s)

He had to jack off to his ex wife's pictures. Jheloni and William were closer than anyone thought. Jheloni still teased him from time to time by sending him pictures and videos. Neither of them have really messed with anyone else since there divorce.

" Jaileigh what you want to eat for lunch".

"Can we get panda express"

"Mhm. What do you want. A plate or bowl. You know if you dont finish your plate then you can put it in here and save til later", William suggested.

"Yayy. then I want a plate. Orange Chicken and Teriyaki.. With mixed greens and Fried Rice. With two orders of Crab Dragoons. Oh Can you make sure you  I get chop sticks", She ranted.

" You think I'm a bank huh", William joked.

" Noo, of course not Daddy ", Jaileigh ran over to him and Hugged him.

Adryan had already sat down and pulled out his phone scrolling on Instagram.

" Cole", Adryan looked up hearing his name.

"Yes Sir", He sat up putting his phone down.

" you want something to eat",

Suddenly the phone rung, William picked it up.

" This is South Salem Elementary. We are calling to inform you about Adryanna Cole".

William put the speaker on the minute, he heard South Salem.

"What happened", Ny mouthed.
William put his finger up.

" What is wrong?! did something happen?"

"Um I'm afraid Ms. Cole got into an Altercation. After two kids called her a derogatory term. These other two kids are in critical condition. We do not tolerate this kind of behaviour. We are thinking to expel her for the remaining of the semester", The black lady spoke.

" What did they call her", Adryan spoke up.

" And I quote 'You dark black slave n word b word. Your n word Dad is dead your next you darkie black b word", She spoke like it was nothing.

Adryan scrunched his face up about to yell.


"And what consequences are these other children facing".

" They have 1 day",The Lady was cut off.

" The fuck you mean you only giving them 1 day. I outta come up there and beat the shit out of everybody. Finna expel my sister after them cracker ass kids said that weird ass shit. Wait til I get up there bro", Adryan yelled feeling himself get even more up set.

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