Chapter Eight: The Battle Of Starcourt

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"What is that?" Erica asks, looking disgusted as she was referring to the lump inside El's wound

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"What is that?" Erica asks, looking disgusted as she was referring to the lump inside El's wound.

"There's something in there," Mike says as they watched it move.

"Jesus Christ" Dustin mumbles.

"Keep her talking," Jonathan says as he stands up.

"Keep her awake, okay?" And with that, he scrambles off.

"Hey, hey, hey," Gabby says soothingly to El. "It's gonna be alright. It's gonna be okay. I got you"

"Let's get her on her side," Mike says, and he, Dustin, Steve, Nancy, and Gabby roll her over as gently as possible.

"It's, uh," Robin stammers, "you know, it's actually not that bad. There was a- the goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, the other girl slid into her leg, and the bone came out of her knee, six inches or something. It was insane." Gabby looked at Robin in disbelief at the comparison.

"Robin," Steve adds.


"You're not helping."

"I'm sorry," she apologizes in a panicky voice.

At that moment, Jonathan returns to the group and sits in front of El.

"Okay," he says. "Alright, El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?"

"Okay," she sobs, and Gabby slipped her hand into hers.

"Squeeze it as tight as you need to," Gabby murmur to her, and she nods, tears streaming down her face.

"You need to stay real still," Jonathan continues, putting on a plastic food handler's glove.

"Here, you're gonna wanna bite down on this, okay?" He hands her a wooden spoon.

"Jesus Christ," Dustin says again as Mike, on El's other side, takes the spoon and puts it in El's mouth. Jonathan then holds a knife hesitantly over El's leg.

"Do it," Mike says firmly.

"Okay," Jonathan whispers, and with that, he makes an incision in El's wound.

El's screams are muffled by the spoon as she squeezes Gabby's hand. She winced slightly in pain but continue to let her squeeze. Everyone else watches with varying levels of horror and disgust.

"Oh shit!"

Then, Jonathan puts his fingers into El's leg her screams grow louder, as everyone else groans in disgust. Gabby winced as El's painful grip on her hand grows even tighter.

"Jonathan!" Nancy yells as he digs around El's leg, searching for the thing inside.

"Stop talking!" he snaps back.

"No!" El screams, spitting out the wooden spoon.

"Stop it! Stop! Stop!" El shouted, Jonathan immediately takes his fingers out of El's wound.

I Think We're Alone Now • Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now