Chapter Eight: The Massacre At Hawkins Lab

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Gabby was now sitting squished in between Max and Lucas, the four were taken back to the Wheeler home where Sue, Charles, Karen, Ted, and Claudia were, the only parent missing was Gabby's father

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Gabby was now sitting squished in between Max and Lucas, the four were taken back to the Wheeler home where Sue, Charles, Karen, Ted, and Claudia were, the only parent missing was Gabby's father.

"And what exactly were you all doing at the lake?" Chief Powell asked.

The group froze, not sure what they could say to cover it up. "We were on a walk." Gabby blurted out.

"A walk?" Officer Callahan questioned sarcastically, "At nine pm?"

"To the lake," Dustin started. "We were gonna take a little swim. Little night swim."

"Dusty someone was just murdered there."

"Yeah, we... we didn't realize that until we got there," Dustin explained.

"That's why we didn't swim," Lucas added and Gabby nodded in agreement.

"And Nancy, was she with you at this night swim?" Karen asked.

"No," Max replied.

"Yes-" Dustin told her. "Uh..."

"We're not sure."

"She was there. Then she left it's all a little confusing." Dustin added.

"That's when you guys came."

"Right. Then they dared me to say what I said." Max said.

"Oh yeah." Lucas as they all chuckled.

"About the killer."

"You're lucky you didn't get shot," Ted spoke.

"Have you had any contact with Eddie?" Chief Powell asked.

"That psycho... freak killer?" Dustin questioned, Gabby could tell that it hurt Dustin to say that about Eddie.

"God, no."

"No, absolutely not."

"We haven't heard from him."

"I would never hang around with a killer," Gabby says defending herself.

"Yeah, we barely even know the guy." Lucas shrugged.

"Who?" Dustin asked.

"Oh, that's a bunch of bull!" Erica spoke up.

"Erica!" Sue and Charles scolded

"I mean, you realize they're lying. The whole couch is on fire." Erica argued.

"Erica." The Sinclair parents told her off once again.

"Just the facts."

"Erica," Gabby snapped causing the girl to stop surprising her parents.

"Are you lying to these policemen, Dusty?" Claudia asked.

"No," he replied.

"Lying to the cops is a crime, son." Charles reminded Lucas.

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