Chapter Two: HellFire Club

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 After Spanish class both Mike and Dustin cornered Gabby pleading that she sat with them to ask Eddie on postponing the campaign

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After Spanish class both Mike and Dustin cornered Gabby pleading that she sat with them to ask Eddie on postponing the campaign. Of course, she agreed even though she knew that Eddie wouldn't change his plans for everyone or anything.

As Gabby walked to her next class a wave of terror hit her, and she could feel someone's fear terrorizing them, Gabby had to sit down on the bench in the hallway because the pain in her head was throbbing she touched her nose pulling her hand away she saw blood.

"Number Twelve.."

Gabby looked around at the sound of hearing her number being called she looked around all she saw were vines all around her, looking down the hallway she could see a figure standing at the end of the hallway with its head tilted while making its way towards her just as it took another step Gabby felt a hand on her shoulder causing the girl to flinch back with a slight scream.

"Hey, Gabby you okay?" She looked to see it was Max standing in behind her with a confused expression on her face.

"I- I'm fine." Gabby stuttered as she looked away from the end of the hallway that was now back to normal and looked at Max whose eyes widen.

"Holy shit Gabby your bleeding from your nose and eyes," Max says as she pulls Gabby into the nearby girl's bathroom.

Gabby rushed to the bathroom mirror and she was indeed bleeding from both nostrils and her eyes. Turning on the water and wetting the napkins she quietly wiped the blood away as Max watched her.

"Gabby this is happening more often," Max said breaking the silence.

"Max it's nothing," Gabby said sadly as she watched the blood go down the drain.

"Look obviously it's not nothing Gabby or you wouldn't get scared shitless and bleeding from your eyes and nose for the past two months," Max says making Gabby look away from the mirror and look at her angrily.

"Max if you don't want to talk about your problems why should I talk about mine?" Gabby asked leaving Max shocked as she finished wiping her face making sure there were no signs of blood.

"I- I don't-" Max started just as the lunch bell rang.

"Save it, it doesn't matter," Gabby says before fixing her backpack on her shoulders and heading to the door the sound of Max's voice stopped her.

"Just come by the trailer and we'll talk," Max says sadly.

"I'll think about it," Gabby says before leaving the bathroom and heading to the cafeteria to find Dustin and Mike who already had their lunch trays and were watching Eddie.

"Shit, he seems really revved up today," Dustin says as the two watches Eddie.

"He's always revved up," Gabby says entering the conversation and causing the two to jump.

I Think We're Alone Now • Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now